Caesar’s English Lesson Seven
Stem meaning examples aqua water aquatic, aqueduct, aquarium audi hear auditory, audience, audiophile scrib write scribe, inscribe, describe cede go recede, precede, secede cise cut excise, incisive, incisors
AQUA means water. aquarium is a tank of water with fish in it, aquatic means of the water, aqueduct was built by the Romans to bring water to the city!
AUDI means hear. auditory nerves help you hear, audience , people who will hear you, audiophile is a lover of stereo equipment.
SCRIB means write. scribe is one who writes things down, inscribe is to write something inside a book, describe is to write down a description.
CEDE means go. Recede is when something goes back, precede is when something goes before you, secede is going apart
CISE means cut. excise is to cut out, incisive is to say something that cuts into the issue, incisors are teeth that cut!
SCRIBE : WRITES:: A. audience: hears B. audiophile : stereo Caesar’s Analogy SCRIBE : WRITES:: A. audience: hears B. audiophile : stereo C. incisive : speech D. aquarium : fish
Advanced Word Aqueduct: The word aqueduct contains the stems aqua (water) and duct (lead). The Romans built aqueducts, which were long channels that carried water from the mountain streams all the way down to Rome in the valley below.