Religion, Law, and Ethics September 30th Announcements: LAST IT TODAY!!! To Do Today: Review Questions Pgs. 28-32 PERSIAN Overview R,L,E Lecture Today you will need: World History Notes
World History Evidence: Religion, Law, and Ethics Date Title Points Grade Comment Description of historical content Type of work 1) 9.29 Principles of Judaism NOTES ___/10 Chapter 1, section 3 2) 9.30 Principles of Judaism HANDOUT Summarize what you know about Judaism 3) ACCESS ___/20 SUMMARIZE at END of the unit 4) R,L,E Lecture Introduce Judaism 4 Cornerstones through the 4 stages of Abram’s journey to the promise land 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)
Common Threads Judaism Christianity Islam
Name: __________________ October 3, 2014 Per: ______ P E R S I A N
Religion, Law & Ethics Purpose: To discuss the source of our values and morals and explore what we know about world religions.
Judeo-Christian Tradition The tradition shared by Jewish and Christian thought, centering around the moral and ethical principals found in the Bible and Torah.
Judaism Timeline 2000 BC Israelites lived in Egypt 1000 BC 922 BC 100’s BC 63 BC 66 AD 70 AD Dates in the text book Chapter 1, 3
(10) Principles of Judaism: Key Terms Pgs. 28-32 Name: ________________ Date: Sept. 30 Period: ___ (10) Principles of Judaism: Key Terms Pgs. 28-32 Use as a checklist or note page. Put the appropriate letter of the PERSIAN next to each topic in the notes. ____Jewish faith ____Story of Abraham _____Canaan, Palestine, Israel _____ Moses and Exodus _____ King David P- 1000 BC King David was a strong, clever king _____ King Solomon: _____ Division and Conquest _____ The Chosen People and God’s covenant _____ Monotheism Landscape for printing
Principles of Judaism Pgs. 28-32 Name: ________________ Date: _______ Period: ___ Principles of Judaism Pgs. 28-32 _____ The Torah _____ Ten Commandments _____ 7 Universal Laws _____ Prophets _____ Ethics _____ Rule of Law _____ Diaspora _____ Captivity _____ Roman influence _____ Hellenistic influence Landscape for printing
Four Cornerstones of Judaism Torah Land People Love God Lecture (storyline) review 40 minutes Students highlight information in work they have already done and add details to CN for anything they have not already written elsewhere
Torah Torah Five books of Moses Old Testament Sacred scripture of the Jews Called, “the law” Passed down from generation to generation Authentic Jewish Teaching
Yahweh’s “Covenant” With His People The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible. G, E, L, N, D Torah The most sacred text in the Jewish religious tradition. The Torah ("Teaching", also known as the Five Books of Moses), Nevi'im ("Prophets") and Ketuvim ("Writings")—hence TaNaKh. The elements of the Tanakh are incorporated in various forms in Christian Bibles, in which, with some variations, it is called the "Old Testament First book Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy TaNaK Torah u " The Torah