SPADAT Program and Visual Sample Plan (VSP) Briefing Lisa Newburn, John Wilson Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 2015 DOE ASP Workshop Charleston, SC September 21, 2018
Outline VSP Purpose and Capabilities Recent Additions Under Development VSP Training September 21, 2018
Visual Sample Plan (VSP): A Tool to Support Systematic Planning Sampling occurs on all DOE sites, for a variety of purposes Systematic planning helps ensure that the samples will support confident decisions Visual Sample Plan (VSP) is a software tool that supports DOE needs by: Developing statistically defensible sampling methods Making improvements in response to DOE user requests Providing resources to support new and existing VSP users Primary Objective: Decrease Costs and Increase Defensibility While Managing Uncertainty September 21, 2018
About Visual Sample Plan Data Quality Objectives (DQO) based systematic planning software Answers the questions: How many samples should we collect and analyze? Where should those samples be collected? What is the confidence in the design? >10,000 users worldwide Sponsored by DOE, DoD, NRC, DHS, EPA, UK, CDC Free VSP download at September 21, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Spatial Mapping (GIS) 3-D Building Design Report Generator September 21, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Sample size design Data analysis Spatial Mapping (GIS) Map design Spatial projection support Compatible file formats (ArcGIS) Map imagery download 3-D Building Design AutoCAD file import Immersive room development with furniture and surface types Report Generator All designs provide a detailed report of the analysis steps and assumptions September 21, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Sample size design Data analysis Spatial Mapping (GIS) Map design Spatial projection support Compatible file formats (ArcGIS) Map imagery download 3-D Building Design AutoCAD file import Immersive room development with furniture and surface types Report Generator All designs provide a detailed report of the analysis steps and assumptions September 21, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Sample size design Data analysis Spatial Mapping (GIS) Map design Spatial projection support Compatible file formats (ArcGIS) Map imagery download 3-D Building Design AutoCAD file import Immersive room development with furniture and surface types Report Generator All designs provide a detailed report of the analysis steps and assumptions September 21, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Sample size design Data analysis Spatial Mapping (GIS) Map design Spatial projection support Compatible file formats (ArcGIS) Map imagery download 3-D Building Design AutoCAD file import Immersive room development with furniture and surface types Report Generator All designs provide a detailed report of the analysis steps and assumptions September 21, 2018
VSP Applications Environmental Remediation Health and Safety Assessment Decontamination and Decommissioning Long-Term Legacy and Groundwater Monitoring Identification, Delineation, and Remediation of UXO Sites Within-Building Bio/Chem/Rad Release Outdoor Bio/Chem/Rad Release Item Audits Wherever Sampling Is Used to Support Decisions September 21, 2018
General Benefits of Using VSP Statistically defensible sampling designs Statistical rigor hidden… designed for non-statistician Quantified confidence Real-time cost/benefit tradeoff evaluations Just enough sampling Visualization supports communication Streamlined acceptance by regulators Leveraging off multi-agency investments September 21, 2018
Latest Developments and Improvements MARSSIM Additions COMPASS Features Sample area / room division based on size Multiple Sampling Goal Reports UFP-QAPP Format Export YouTube Channel and Social Media Many Minor Improvements KML file export, color by value for multiple analytes, partial sampling of walls, furniture and surface overlay editing, false negative rate input for combined targeted and random sampling, lat/long sample import and export, and even more user interface and performance enhancements September 21, 2018
COMPASS Background COMPASS (Computerization of MARSSIM for Planning and Assessing Site Surveys) is a software tool for MARSSIM implementation No longer under active development (Windows XP) ORAU offered to provide COMPASS source code for incorporation into VSP September 21, 2018
COMPASS Integration Into VSP Integrated COMPASS capabilities into user-friendly VSP interface Added features include: Unity rule or gross activity calculations Elevated measurement comparison (EMC) Calculation of scan MDC values for EMC calculations Individual radionuclide or series selection, with default DCGLw values Support for building surfaces and surface soil September 21, 2018
MARSSIM Additions: Sample Area Partitioning MARSSIM guidance stipulates maximum surface area based on class Class 1 areas within buildings <= 100 sq m. New VSP tool to automatically partition rooms or sample areas Based on either maximum size or minimum number of partitions Angle of division and shape of partitions can be specified September 21, 2018
Multiple Sampling Goal Reports Previously, when a new design was applied to a project, all previous designs were over-written or lost Added new Report Manager to save multiple design reports in a single project file Stored design reports can be shown in the Report View, copied to the clipboard, printed or saved to a file September 21, 2018
UFP-QAPP Format Export Unified Federal Policy for Quality Assurance Project Plans (UFP-QAPP) worksheets can be generated based on project file information. Five pertinent worksheets identified: 11, 15, 17, 18 and 20. Where appropriate, VSP fills sections with text, tables and graphics. Currently enabled for MARSSIM Sign Test and MARSSIM WRS designs September 21, 2018
VSP on YouTube Short training videos illustrating the use of different VSP features and modules Step-by-step instructions to follow along 19 videos so far with more under development September 21, 2018
What’s Coming Next? Data Subset Analytics Improvements Delineating Contour Boundaries with Confidence MARSSIM Expert Guide Portable VSP Field Sampling Mobile App (GeoPointFinder™) September 21, 2018
Data Subset Analytics Improvements Define and select subset of data Spatially By some variable Perform analysis on subset Summary statistics, tests, plots, geostatistical analysis Expected availability in VSP: Early spring 2016 September 21, 2018
Confident Boundary Delineation Elevated regions can be delineated using kriged data Uses a simple threshold Improved method will account for uncertainty in the kriged estimates Expected availability in VSP: End of 2015 September 21, 2018
MARSSIM Expert Guide Will use Expert Guide framework used to develop UXO and FRMAC application-specific guides Guidance to new and previously existing MARSSIM capabilities in VSP Expected availability in VSP: Spring 2016 September 21, 2018
Portable (No-Installation) VSP VSP requires administrative privileges to install Many users have lengthy approval processes for new releases Developing version of VSP that will not require installation Standalone executable that can be run from a thumb drive September 21, 2018
Field Sampling Mobile App GeoPointFinder™ developed to support wide-area field sampling Imports sampling plans developed in VSP Intuitive touch-screen navigation Records location, spacing and accuracy for QC of field sampling Bluetooth pairing with high-accuracy GPS/GNSS devices provides excellent accuracy Long-term vision: provide a suite of mobile tools that each address a specific task or need but can work with each other and with VSP September 21, 2018
VSP Training Courses High demand and limited availability for training courses NRC-sponsored training offered by PNNL starting again in fall 2015 NRC or agreement state personnel only Scheduling and registration through NRC Tuition-based courses available taught by Brent Pulsipher, 15-year VSP manager and instructor Not affiliated with PNNL Contact for more information PNNL continues to offer sponsored courses to any interested site / party Additional training videos and e-learning materials planned September 21, 2018
Contact Information Lisa Newburn (509) 375-2761 Follow our YouTube channel for latest video updates Join our LinkedIn group to connect with VSP team and users September 21, 2018
Continued Appreciation A Huge Thanks to George Detsis and Josh Silverman for your continued leadership and support! September 21, 2018