Rudyard Kipling
THE APPEAL По вкусу если труд был мой Кому-нибудь из вас, Пусть буду скрыт я темнотой, Что к вам придет в свой час, И, память обо мне храня Один короткий миг, Расспрашивайте про меня Лишь у моих же книг. Перевод В. Иванова If I have given you delight By aught that I have done, Let me lie quiet in that night Which shall be yours anon: And for the little, little, span The dead are borne in mind, Seek not to questions other than The books I leave behind.
Kipling was born on Dec.30, 1865, in Bombay, where his father directed an art school. “Give me the first six years of a child's life and you can have the rest “ Ignacio de Loyola
He learned Hindi from his nurse, and he also learned stories of jungle animals.
Until he was 12, poor health kept him from attending school. At six, he and his sister were sent to study in England - Southsea, Portsmouth. Until he was 12, poor health kept him from attending school. He stayed at foster family and those years left him with insomnia for the rest of his life
At this time, he created his humorous tale Soldiers Three. At 17, Kipling returned to India and soon became a journalist. At this time, he created his humorous tale Soldiers Three.
In 1889, Kipling return to England In 1889, Kipling return to England. In the 1890s, he developed a great interest in folk legends and animal myths. In 1892-99he lived in the USA, where he produced the two Jungle Books and Captains Courageous (1897). The Jungle Book (1894) and Just So Stories (1902) give the wit and wisdom of the animals who can talk.
Just So Stories - are funny and full of wit stories of animals. And one of them is about an Elephant Child that was full of curiosity and how he got his long nose.
The stories of Mowgli brought Kipling great popularity in England and the United States.
Kipling composed many of his poems while living for several years in the United States in the mid-1890s. His poems became famous for their lively, swinging rhythm.
In 1896, Kipling returned to England from the United States In 1896, Kipling returned to England from the United States. By then, he was a controversial figure because of his views toward empire. An there was a war time.
In 1900, Kipling went to South Africa to report the Boer War for an English newspaper. He gives a colorful and dramatic picture of the complicated life of the Indian People in his novel “Kim”
The author thought a lot about soldiers and their fate and wrote poems for them. “Hymn Before Action” is one of them.
Before World War I, Kipling became active in politics. He widely lectured and wrote for the British cause during the war. His only son was killed in World War I.
In 1902 he bought the house ("Bateman's") in Sussex which would remain his home in England until his death
After the war, Kipling wrote Songs for Youth One of them is the poem “If”, devoted to his son. The poem is a blueprint for personal integrity, behavior and self-development. 'If' is perhaps even more relevant today than when Kipling wrote it
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