A brief history (1300 BCE-1000 CE) Judaism A brief history (1300 BCE-1000 CE)
Monotheism Judaism is thought by some to be the first monotheistic religion Monotheistic – a belief in one god
The birth of the Jewish people Place: Middle East When: 1300 BCE (?) How: God chose Abraham to be the father of a special people who would set an example of goodness/holiness for the rest of the world. God guided the people and gave them a set of rules to live by (The 10 Commandments) Where told: This history is found in the first 5 books of the Bible Torah – The first 5 books of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament – Christian term)
Abraham and his descendants settled in Canaan (modern day Israel) Famine and drought threatened the people there Exodus The twelve tribes of Israel moved to Egypt and were prosperous until one of Egypt’s pharaohs enslaved and killed them (young boys) One young boy survived (Moses) Moses Tried to get the Israelite families out of Egypt (“Let my people go”) 10 plagues FledGod parted the Red Sea They escaped and landed back in Canaan, the Promised Land Kings Many kings ruled the Israelites (like Saul, David, and Solomon)
Kingdoms split 920 BCE, Jewish people start spitting into groups 600 BCE – Jewish temple destroyed, leadership killed Many Jews fled – many to Babylon (where much of the Bible was written) Diaspora – living away from Israel Time of the prophets Prophet – messenger of god http://www.jewfaq.org/prophet.htm
Rebuilding Jews had been living throughout the Middle East and growing in strength 175 BCE King of Syria defiled the Jewish temple (by forcing pig sacrifices on the alter – against Jewish law) and made laws aimed at wiping out Judaism in favor of worshiping Zeus 164 BCE There was a revolt, the people kept their traditions going (including keeping a candle in the temple lit for 8 days (when there was only enough candle oil for one) Hanukkah – celebration of the oil miracle at the time of the revolt Not as significant of a holiday as others. Story told in a non-scripture book
Roman Times Roman Empire Current Era (CE) Jews could practice but were neglected Jewish priests were not favored by people anymore (because they were buddying up with the Roman rulers), so the people looked instead to the Jewish Rabbis Rabbi – teacher of Jewish faith Current Era (CE) 1 CE (when a Jewish teacher, not the promised Messiah, Jesus was born) Messiah – a descendant of David who will lead Jews back to the Promised Land in a time of peace (among other things) Emphasis now on observing Jewish laws and prayers at home and in synagogues Synagogue – place of worship, education, charitable work, etc. (a church)
Trouble with the Romans and Changes 0-150 CE Jews revolt twice against Roman rule Romans win and many Jews die First revolt destroys Jewish temple Second revolt – hundreds of thousands of Jews die, banned from Jerusalem 200-700 CE Judaism develops rapidly Sense of urgency = writing down teachings of rabbis so they aren’t lost in time Mishna - first part of the Talmud – Jewish law and teachings
A good time in Spain The years before and after 1000 CE were good for Jews in Spain They co-existed happily with Islamic rulers and were able to live and study in peace.