Types of Characters in Fiction
Types of Characters in Fiction Protagonist vs. Antagonist Round vs. Flat Characters Dynamic vs. Static Characters
Protagonist- Main Character in the story; Usually who the character can relate with the most in the story. Ex: Harry Potter Antagonist- The character or group of characters in direct opposition to the protagonist; The “enemy”. Ex: Voldemort
Flat Characters- simple character Flat Characters- simple character. The character only has 1 or 2 qualities, ideas, or traits that can be described. They don’t have a realistic personality or you only see one side. Some are characterized as “dumb blonde” or “mean stepmother.” YouTube - A Center For Ants? Round Characters- complex characters that possess both good and bad traits; very human-like and realistic; reader can usually relate to these characters. The Lightning Thief (2010)
YouTube - Napoleon Dynamite Cage Fighter Dynamic Characters- Characters who undergo significant change in self throughout the story. Change in sight or understanding Changes in commitment Change in values Ex: Bella from Twilight Static- Characters who do not change throughout the story; are not dramatically affected by the conflict. YouTube - Napoleon Dynamite Cage Fighter
All characters are either: Flat or Round Static or Dynamic They can be flat and static (Dad from Matilda) Flat and dynamic (Snape from Harry Potter) Round and dynamic (Percy from Lightning Thief) Round and static (Alice from Twilight)