Germany Surrenders
The Hundred Days May-August 1918 Germany was running out of time and resources Allies had large numbers of well-fed and well-equipped troops (mainly from the USA) along with improved artillery, tanks and aircraft. The ending of trench warfare meant the allies could now make rapid advances with accurate big guns with impressive accuracy that could lay down smokescreens for attackers. 8th August: German Army’s ‘Black Day’ when there was a counter –attack by the allies along the Western front. By late September they had reached the Hindenburg line.
4 10 min videos worth watching for more detail
The Impact of the Blockade Look at sources 3, 4 and 5 on Page 234 What information about the impact can you learn from each source? Which is the most useful and why?
Abdication of the Kaiser Define: Abdicate and Republic Why was the Kaiser made to Abdicate?
The Armistice Write a newspaper article about the Armistice: Explain what it is Why it has happened The Terms the Germans had agreed to When the fighting stopped Why some German Generals and people in Germany were unhappy about the armistice
Which factor was most important in leading to the allies victory in World War I America joining the war The British Naval Blockade Failure of the Ludendorff offensive German losses in 1916 and 1917 Improvements in the Allies army’s effectiveness Britain and America having more resources than Germany Each table will be given one of these arguments to present as being the most important reason.
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