The Unification of Germany and Italy By Hope, Brandon and Brandon
The Unification of Italy Focused on the state of Piedmont Ruled by Savoy King Victor Emmanuel II Prime Minister Count Camillo di Cavour Economic Expansion Asked Napoleon to help get Austrians out Napoleon stopped fighting, Prussia came to help Austria Garibaldi: red shirts, took Naples Surrendered to Cavour to avoid war
Unification of Germany Austria and Prussia only states powerful enough to dominate German affairs Prussia Formed Zollverein, a German customs union Eliminated tolls on rivers and roads Stimulated trade and prosperity of its member states 1848, Prussia created constitutional monarchy…sorta Voting population divided into three classes determined by amount of taxes they paid.
Bismark Otto von Bismark (Prime Minister of William I) Born a Junker Had a career in Prussian Civil service Became Prussian delegate to the Parliament of the Germanic Confederation He was the foremost practitioner of realpolitik (practical over moral government) He submitted army appropriations bill It got rejected He reorganized the army anyway
The Danish War Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein Danish incorporated them into Denmark Germans outraged They were regarded as German states Austria joined with Prussia in war on Denmark February 1, 1864 Danes defeated Prussia took Schleswig Holstein went to Austria
Austro-Prussian war Russia neutral Napoleon also neutral Bismarck sided with Italy Prussian Breech-loading needle gun Austrians Defeated Bismarck wanted to legalize illegal taxes he had been collecting North German Confederation Parliament-Bundesrat, state delegates, Reichstag, elected through suffrage
Franco-Prussian War Prussia dominated all north Germany Austria had little power France isn’t happy with this Leopold was to be crowned king of Spain-Bismark, Napoleon didn’t like that. France would be surrounded by Hohenzollern dynasty France declares war on Prussia France badly loses to Prussia Germany integrated into Prussia