Bosch DeNOx 2.2 Supply Module Backflow Connector Temporary Color Change CEAF Type: Awareness Engine Family Affected: MXNA Market(s) Impacted: Automotive Anticipated Production Date: 11/10/2016
Background The Bosch red backflow connector (BFC) (A052B660) failed their internal helium leakage test on their production line. This failure was caused by a new delivery of red coloring agent. Bosch was able to contain all the suspect red BFC’s with this new coloring agent at their plant.
Change Details A new coloring agent will not be available in time to produce and test parts for shipment. Therefore, parts will be shipped with a white BFC that has a black ring as a temporary marking starting 11/10/2016. The red BFC will resume shipping Q1 2017. Affected part numbers: Part CES PN Backflow connector A052B660 Supply Module (12V) A052B661 Supply Module (24V) A052B705
Change Details Current BFC Temporary black marking BFC
BFC Location Backflow Connector Insert Data Classification