Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Bridget Wadzuk Tanya Hoogerwerf
Top 10 Reason to use SWMM Because I have all this monitoring and GIS data just sitting around collecting dust. It keeps those developers of "sexy, expensive foreign models" from getting too rich. Enjoy deciphering cryptic Lehey compiler error messages.
…… Offers real-time flood protection for daredevil urban drain explorers. Allows you to boast to health club buddies about your daily SWMMing regimen. Wild EXTRAN oscillations allows grown-ups to recapture childhood "roller-coaster" sensation without the nausea.
…. It's free How many words can you say that do not have any vowels? You were born after 1970 and can't understand that water does not flow downhill without a model
Long live FORTRAN !!!! #1 Reason to use SWMM… The following reasons to use SWMM were presented at the International Conference on Stormwater and Urban Water Systems Modeling held in Toronto on February 24-25, 2000.
Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) Most effective in urban areas for the analysis of quality and quantity problems associated with urban runoff. The model can perform single-event and continuous simulations on all aspects of the urban hydrologic and quality cycles
Modeling Systems Available OSU's Version 4.31 is the “official” version of the model used by the EPA. Version 4.4 and beta version 4.4gu contain the newest options and modifications but has not been as thoroughly tested or documented.
Additional SWMM Vendors PCSWMM MTVE - Model Turbo-View XP-SWMM or Visual SWMM MIKE-SWMM SWMM - ArcView Link SwmmDuet EPA Windows SWMM
Input Data Include… PRECIPITATION Channel Characteristics Elevations Imperviousness Slope Roughness Width (a shape factor) Depression Storage Infiltration Parameters Infiltration parameters for either the Horton or Green-Ampt equations for up to 100 subcatchments.
SWMM Input Flowchart