5.1.9 Understand the characteristics of network topologies Types of Network Learning Objectives: 5.1.9 Understand the characteristics of network topologies
Network Topologies The term topology refers to the way in which devices are connected to a network. The table below summarises the different network topologies. Topology Description Bus Single main cable to which computers are connected. Ring All computers are connected in a circle. Star All computers have their own link to a central computer. Mesh Where each computer can connect to multiple computers. Use the internet to help you complete tasks 9.1 to 9.8.
Diagrams Activity http://www.cambridgedigital.com/mooc/html/jan14/49_Activity1/49_Activity1.html Screenshot your diagrams and use them to complete task 9.9.
Poster Design an A4 poster on Network Topologies using PowerPoint or Publisher.