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Presentation transcript:

BEST PRACTICES BENCHMARKING Helsinki, Finland 09 – 13.03.2015

Beneficiar Stagiu Erasmus+ în cadrul proiectului MANAG_EU_LPS PARASCHIV MIRELA MARIA

Sistemul de educație în Finlanda

Înaintea ciclului primar parcurg obligatoriu un an de pregătire pentru școală, urmat de alți 9 ani de învățământ obligatoriu (între 7 și 16 ani). După finalizarea învățământului obligatoriu au 3 variante de parcurs educațional: -învățământ academic (la noi, liceu); -învățământ vocațional (la noi, școli de arte și meserii). -abandonarea studiilor 95% dintre elevi își continuă studiile, iar dintre aceștia 53% învățământ academic și 47% vocațional.

Tikkurila upper secondary school

1 director și 1 director asistent, 1 director adjunct și 1 coordonator IB, cu responsabilități foarte clare. CA este compus din: -director -5 profesori -reprezentantul elevilor Ședințele CA se organizează la fiecare 2 săptămâni. Totul este pe site-ul școlii pentru transparență.

Pe parcursul celor 3 ani de liceu, 1 elev trebuie să parcurgă 75 de cursuri. Dintre acestea: -47 – 51 sunt cursuri obligatorii -10 cursuri opționale la nivel național -restul sunt opționale la nivelul școlii 1 an școlar are 5 perioade a câte 38 – 40 de zile/ 3 lecții a câte 75 minute pe săptămână. Repartizarea celor 75 cursuri din perioada liceului este la latitudinea elevului. La fiecare curs se evaluează elevii săptămânal.

Clasele pregătitoare, I, II se învață în limba finlandeză. În clasa a III-a se introduce limba engleză. După 1 an de studiu se fac anumite discipline în limba engleză. În clasa a VI-a se introduce limba suedeză, iar în clasa a VIII-a, la alegere, germană, rusă, franceză, spaniolă.

TIC în școli: -fiecare clasă este dotată cu videoproiector, ecran de proiecție/tablă inteligentă și retroproiector -1 tabletă la 2 elevi -conexiune gratuită la internet în toate școlile Primăria are un departament care se ocupă de predare cu ajutorul IT. Sunt cîteva persoane care se deplasează în școli și-i ajută pe profesori cu tot ce este nevoie. Există un plan de implementare a TIC în primii ani de școală, astfel:

ICT implementation plan in schools from year zero to 3 Curriculum and ICT development Syllabus and personal development plan In-service training Educational use of ICT and pedagogical support Learning environment, materials, software (tools&apps) Social networks and community building Equipment Infrastructure and support services Scho ol year Zero 1)New curriculum preparation, follow up, participation 2) instructions for ICT team of school 3) ICT steering group of municipality 4) development discussions of school administrators & principals 5) regional & national steering of development 6) State-of-art investigation and research 1) ICT paragraph in development plan school- year 2013-14 2) Own ICT plan of school 2014-2017 3) personal ICT development plans 4) development discussions 1) Contact training (own or neighboring school 2) In-service training offered by KUUMA consortium jarvenpaa/tvt /taydennyskou lutustarjotin/a lueellisetkoulut ukset 3) piloting events for coaching 1) Developer schools (one primary,one secondary, one upper secondary ) additional input 2) Follower schools (comprehensi ve, primary schools) normal input 3) Backward schools: additional input to outlevel differences 4) ICT team of school for working according instructions 1) Learning platform of KUUMA – first use in advanced schools 2) web materials into use in teaching (KUUMA and other) 3) Web2.0, Social media, apps&tools taken into use 4) functionality of LTSP with Android, Win8 and Apple tools clarified 1) schools take part in training events of KUUMA learning network (tray for trainings, contact training, coaching) 2) pilot schools for coaching and development of learning environment 3) knowing Social media networks and communities in FB, LinkedIn, twitter) 4) knowing networks of net communities of different learning areas 5) knowing international learning networks and communities 1)Developer schools: tablets, active boards, interactive data projectors, experiment smart phones of students, webcams&hea dsets for video sessions, 2)Follower schools: document cameras, data projectors, mobile devices 3) LTSP server updates, validation of of compatibility of mobile devices in LTSP 1) Developer schools: fiber connection, WLAN/Wi-fi 2) Follower schools: faster connections, WLAN 3) problems of learning vs admin network to be solved 4) IVT team responsible for contact between pedagogical & technological support of municipality and technological support of regional service 5) pedagogical & technological support of municipality

Curriculum and ICT development Syllabus and personal development plan In-service training Educational use of ICT and pedagogical support Learning environment, materials, software (tools&apps) Social networks and community building Equipment Infrastructure and support services Sch ool yea r 1 1) regular follow-of national curriculum and of new ICT methods 2)consolidation of ICT team of school 3) consolidation of ICT team of city/municipal ity 4)personal development plans of school administrators & principals 5) regional & national steering of development 6) dissemination of research results, consequences, action 1) ICT paragraph for development plan 2014-15 2) school’s own ICT strategy updated for 2015-18 3) development discussions of principals & teachers on the basis of personal development plans 1) developing municipal and regional contact training (training of trainers, in- house training, digital apprenticeshi p in classroom) 2) targeted training courses out of school 3) coaching in developer schools 4) Erasmus+ training courses 1) Developer schools get special funding, share competences to other schools 2) Follower schools: normal funding 3) Backward schools: extra funding continues 4) ICT team of schools (steered by municipal/city steering group) creates paragraph for schools syllabus and school’s 3-year ICT strategy 5) improvements in distant learning opportunities 1) use of new learning platform consolidated 2) proper apps& tools introduced 3) services of digital learning ecosystem are exploited 4) OS & other programs updated for smart use of ICT 1) development of municipal and regional network for training 2) promoting schools to join social media networks and net communities of education 3) domestic networks and communities of teachers (STEM, foreign languages etc.) are made better known 4) international networks and communities of teachers are made better known 1) Developer schools: tablets, smart phones, laptops, hybrids to enable innovative use of ICT in education, testing BYOD 2) Follower schools: mobile devices on basis of good practices, learning environmen ts to correspond the actual needs of ICT use 3) wireless learning environmen ts based on LTSP system, new devices 1) Developer schools: Fibre connection to school, wifi in most spaces 2) Follower schools: wifi spaces, fibre connection where possible 3) Backward schools: 4 g networks tested 3) media centre in municipal library with enough desktop computers 4)intensified pedagogical and technological support of municipality and region according to the needs of ICT use

Curriculum and ICT development Syllabus and personal development plan In-service training Educational use of ICT and pedagogical support Learning environment, materials, software (tools&apps) Social networks and community building Equipment Infrastructure and support services Sch ool yea r 2 1) Standing curriculum follow-up, school’s own curriculum 2) state-of-art analysis updated (OPEKA tool) 3) regular interaction between ICT steering group of municipality and ICT team of schools 4) intensified collaboration of school administrator s & principals 5) regional & national steering of development, actions based on facts and well-funded plans 1) use of ICT paragraph in development plan and syllabus for next 2 years 2) school’s own ICT strategy updated for 3 years 3) ) development discussions of principals & teachers on the basis of personal development plans 1) building up municipal and regional system for contact training 2) distant training (MOOC, “massive open online courses” .e.g. by European Schoolnet EU) 3) targeted expert training from outside 4) coaching expanded from developer schools to others 5) Erasmus+ courses and projects are benefitted 1) Developer schools: special funding goes on, innovations of ICT use, strong sharing of competences to other schools 2) Follower schools: normal investments 3) Backward schools: outleveling differences 4) school’s ICT team works regularly and is responsible for school’s development together with principal 4) amount of distant learning increases 1) intensified use of learning platform 2)intensified exploitance of apps & tools and web services in education 3) follow-up of innovations both in development of programs and OS 4) system for collecting innovative ideas & initiatives for further development 1) putting work of municipal and regional network for training on regular basis 2) favoring memberships in networks and communities of social media 3) promoting teachers to join social networks and communities of teachers in the Internet 4) promotion of international networks and communities 1)Developer schools investments on smart ICT, sharing BYOD experiences to others, screen mirroring from device to device 2) Follower schools updates of mobile technology, wifi functionable in all learning spaces 3) updates of LTSP 1) Developer schools: wifi ubiquitous in school, equipment up to industrial standards 2) Follower schools: wifi expansion, fibre connections if possible 3) ) media center gives support to schools 4) ensuring fast help desk services and technological support of municipal and/or regional ICT service

Curriculum and ICT development Syllabus and personal development plan In-service training Educational use of ICT and pedagogical support Learning environmen t, materials, software (tools&apps) Social networks and community building Equipment Infrastructure and support services Sch ool yea r 3 1) new national curriculum is taken into use, consequences 2) ICT steering group of municipality and ICT teams of schools collaborate intensively 3) on-going research of development 4) intensified collaboration of school administrator s & principals 5) regional & national steering of development, actions based on facts and well-funded plans 1) updates of ICT pararaph for development plan of 3 years 2) schools ICT strategies updated for 3 years 3) ) development discussions of principals & teachers on the basis of personal development plans 1) municipal system for contact training consolidated 2) on-going distant training 3) targeted expert training outside school 4) coaching disseminated and expanded 5) well- funded use of Erasmus+ and other international training opportunities 1) ICT use in schools on good national level, local development gaps abolished, normal investment on ICT in schools 2) ICT team and principal have know- how of managing ICT in school 3) European dimension and internationali zation are part of school’s everyday practices 4) use of ICT and of distant learning services belong to teaching, studying and learning processes of school 1) agile and flexible use of learning platform 2) integrated digital materials via cloud channel 3) apps & tools for all educational purposes 4) ubiquitous use of digital content 5) combined synchronous onsite and live online learning 1) school is part of municipal and regional learning networks 2) school is part of learning networks of the EU 3) teachers are members of colleagues networks, in networks and communities of social media 4) most advanced teachers develop international networks and communities 1) ICT equipment corresponds to good internation al level 2) Developer schools: mobile technology enables ubiquitous and seamless use of ICT in education, 3) BYOD is enabled, use of devices not dependent on the brand of device 4) mirroring screen from device to device, BYOD enabled 1) mobile learning spaces enable interactive learning sessions & seamless virtual interaction ubiquitously 2) infrastructure of all schools corresponds to guidelines of national curriculum 3) infrastructure of all schools corresponds to regional ICT strategy 4) media centres with full equipment are available for all schools 3) help desk is immediate during school- days, technological support and ICT service is sufficient

SALARIILE PROFESORILOR -profesor debutant –3000€ -5 ani vechime – 6% -8 ani vechime – 3% -10 ani vechime – 10% -15 ani vechime – 4% -20 ani vechime – 6% → un profesor cu ceva vechime și număr minim de cursuri – 3870€

PROGRAMUL ZILNIC AL DIRECTORULUI În școală/birou: -între 07.50 – 15.10 sau 08.50 – 16.10 Concediu: -între 30 și 38 zile, în funcție de vechime -luna iulie și în timpul vacanțelor școlare

EVALUARE Conducerea unităților de învățământ este evaluată în fiecare aprilie. Profesorii și activitatea comisiilor se evaluează în fiecare mai Evaluarea constă în discuții privind activitatea desfășurată. Directorul: -nu asistă la lecții -nu evaluează profesorii pentru că aceștia sunt foarte bine pregătiți și știu ce au de făcut.