T.E.A.L Topic sentence Explanation Evidence/analysis of quotes Linking sentence
Topic sentences A topic sentence is the first sentence of a paragraph. It gives an overview of a particular theme or argument you are going to address. The sentence should NOT mention the author’s name or the name of the text (if there is one) E.g. Courage is a quality within all human beings. Courage is only shown in the face of danger. Courage is an important personal quality. Both children and adults can show great courage when they are scared.
Explanation Explanation is usually 1-2 sentences that explains your point in more detail, making reference to the argument/ stimulus.
Evidence and analysis Evidence means quotes from the text or something to back up your argument Analysis is how you link it to your argument or the topic, or relate it to the question.
Linking sentence A linking sentence is the final sentence of a paragraph. It links back to your theme and the question. Do not introduce any new information.
TEAL Paragraph – Sadako Write one paragraph discussing the effects of war. Topic Sentence– Introduce physical and emotional effects of war Explaining – Characters this affects in the novel Sadako Analysis – Quotes from the novel that demonstrate this, with language techniques. Linking Sentence – Reiterating the physical and emotional effects of war
Sample: T- The physical and emotional effects of war are devastating and destressing for those individuals involved. E- This is demonstrated through numerous characters throughout the novel Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. The author Elenor Coerr, has evidenced this explicitly through the protagonist Sadako Sassaki as she has attained the life threating disease Leukaemia from the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. A- As the novel progresses the sickness effects Sadako both physically and emotionally. This is demonstrated when she is first admitted to hospital and she says to herself “at the sound of the frightening word Sadako put her hands over her ears. She didn’t want to hear anymore (pg. 27, 28)”. Coerr has successfully weaved emotive language throughout this quote in order to evoke the emotions of the reader to portray the emotional effects of war. A – Similarly the physical effects of the war is evidenced in the hospital when Sadako meets Kenji and he said “I’ll die soon. I have leukaemia from the bomb(p.g 40)”. This demonstrates to the reader that there are many children and adults that have been significantly effected by the ‘atom bomb disease’ The author has used the language technique tone in order to set a dismal and sad mood for the reader to enhance their understanding of the bomb effects. L – Therefore through the novel it is clear to the reader that the physical and emotional effects of war are devastating on all affected.
Do nots’ in your paragraph Do not say ‘I” or personal pronouns unless asked Do not have more than one idea in each paragraph. Do not end your paragraph without summarising your main point. Do not change the topic you have chosen halfway through
Strong language to use Although, … Evidently, additionally As a consequence, … For this reason, … although As a result, … For these reasons, … instead As it can be seen, … Furthermore, whereas At the same time, … Thus… despite Accordingly, … Therefore…. conversely An equally significant aspect of… moreover otherwise as well as however Another, significant factor in… together with after all But it should also consider, … of course in fact Consequently, … likewise in summary Correspondingly, … comparatively in conclusion Conversely, … correspondingly Despite this, … similarly
Demonstrating Courage Practice Writing Write 2-3 of your own TEAL paragraphs on any the effects of war in the novel Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes. 1 topic = 1 paragraph The emotional effects The physical effects Demonstrating Hope Demonstrating Courage Use 1-2 quotes Discuss the language techniques the author has used.