What’s in Our Air? Sulfur Oxides Hayley Bernardi
Where Does it Come From? What Causes Sulfur Oxides? When fuel containing sulfur is burned. When gasoline is extracted from oil. When metals are extracted from ore.
Are Sulfur Oxides INdoor or OUTdoor pollutants? BOTH! Indoor Sources: Heating equipment, wood or coal stoves, fireplaces Outdoor Sources: Fossil fuel combustion, natural emissions
Why Sulfur Oxides are Primary Pollutants? Emitted directly from a source. Ex. Fuel Ex. Tobacco products.
Possible Effects Due to Exposure? Sulfur Oxides are corrosive to the entire Respiratory System. Noticeable as early as 10 minutes after exposure. {Respiratory System}
What can Sulfur Oxides do to the Environment? Acid Rain Corrosion
How can Sulfur Oxide Emissions be Lowered? Removing it from waste gases after fuel combusts. Reducing the use of tobacco.