This Asian nation is an excellent example of an archipelago… Indonesia, Japan, Philippines
How does the Huang He River gets its nickname- Yellow River Yellowish Silt from Mountain Loess
Which river runs south from Tibet in the north to the South China Sea? Mekong
Of the religions we have studied, which is considered one of the oldest in the world? Hinduism
The Hindu belief that your actions determine your fate What is Karma? The Hindu belief that your actions determine your fate
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What country is this? Indonesia
What is the term given for Enlightened One? Buddha
The belief that a soul returns to life in another body after death Reincarnation
Shintoism was founded in what Asian country? Japan
The Huang He River is found in CHINA
Sea of Japan What body of water is this? ©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What body of water is this? Sea of Japan
Good character and virtue in the people were the keys to social order and peace , according to what? Confucius
Who was the founder of Buddhism Siddhartha Gautama
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan 1. What country is this? South Korea
Of the religions we have studied, which one follows the 4 Noble Truths? Buddhism
What country has the largest democracy in the world? INDIA What country has the largest democracy in the world?
Of the beliefs we have studied in this unit, which is a philosophy and not a religion? Confucianism
What is the dominant religion of India? Hinduism
Who started the Indian independence movement? Mohandas Gandhi
Making and carrying out the laws The legislator is responsible for what in a parliamentary system of government? Making and carrying out the laws
The person with the most power in a parliamentary system is the??? Prime Minister
What is the National People’s Congress? The elected Chinese legislative assembly
What did India call their attempt to improve agriculture? Green Revolution
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What country is this? India
Who brought Hinduism to India The Aryans
Largest land empire in world history. Mongol
Industrial waste in the Ganges India’s developing of industries has caused what type of environmental problems? Industrial waste in the Ganges
What was the name of Bangladesh between 1947 and 1971? East Pakistan
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What desert is this? Gobi Desert
If one country is a region became communist, others would quickly follow….. Domino Theory
When government does NOT favor a religion When government does NOT favor a religion. Religion and government are separate. Secular
Gandhi’s main strategy for dealing with unfair British laws was to have his followers do what? Non- Violent Protest
What role in Japan today is classified as the HEAD of government today (not head of state) ? The Prime Minister
What river has its delta in southern Vietnam? MEKONG
How did the United States help rebuild Japan after WWII? Helped write constitution, established democracy, equal rights, defensive military, etc.
A highly trained work force has contributed to what country’s economic success? Japan
Japan must import _______ and food. RAW MATERIALS
Why is western China far less populated than eastern China? Desert and mountain terrain
In what type of government is the power to govern held by one person and where the power to rule is generally inherited or imposed by military force? Autocracy
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What Mountains are these? Himalayas
What does the DMZ stand for? Demilitarized zone
Leaders from the same family. Dynasty
Most workers in China and India are what? Farmers
On what line of latitude is Korea divided? 38th Parallel
Information Technology (IT) What does India specialize in today? Information Technology (IT)
Who was China’s Nationalist Leader? Chiang Kai-shek
What is it called when a state is occupied and controlled by members of another nation? Colony
How many Noble Truths are there in Buddhism? FOUR
Pacific Ocean What body of water is this? ©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What body of water is this? Pacific Ocean
What effect did opening China up to foreign trade have on the country? Improved the economy
What country in Asia has the best economic system today and….WHY??? Japan, they have a highly educated work force with strong work ethics.
The Great leap Forward stressed what in China? Extensive commercial farming
Who is hurt by tariffs and quotas? Consumers – less competition
Who won the Korean War and WHY???? No one really, both countries are still separated today.
Mao’s attempt to remove all ties to China’s cultural was known as??? Cultural Revolution
Seasonal winds accompanied with rain the blow across Southern Asia Monsoons
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan In India, during the summer, monsoon winds lose moisture as the air climbs over the _____________________. Himalayan Mountains
Who was the Communist hero of China who took power in 1949? Mao Zedong
Mao’s army of young people during the cultural revolution Who were the Red Guard? Mao’s army of young people during the cultural revolution
Who did Chinese troops either arrest or kill for protesting for more freedom in Tiananmen Square? CHINESE STUDENTS
What are any material things that are needed to conduct business… Machines, computers, buildings… ? Capital Goods
What are spirits that followers of Shinto believe exist in things all around them? Kami
China’s improved wages and Standards of living are caused by what? Economic Growth
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What country is this? India
What natural trade barrier separates China and India? Himalayan Mountain What natural trade barrier separates China and India?
What is specialization? The concentration on one area of work.
Of the countries we have studied, which is said to have a Mixed/Command Economy China & Vietnam
What is the dominant religion of Japan? Shinto-Buddhism
Why do countries impose tariffs or quotas? To protect local producers
The Cultural Revolution. What program did Mao start to take attention off himself and the government’s failures. The Cultural Revolution.
What system of government has a central government that controls everything and power is not shared between states, counties or provinces. Unitary System
A buyer and user of goods and services is a…? Consumer
Tariffs Sanctions Embargos Quotas Give 4 examples of political trade barriers… Tariffs Sanctions Embargos Quotas
The Yantze River is found in CHINA
What system of government is a voluntary association of independent states that agrees to follow a weak central government. . Confederation System
What political trade barrier places a tax on the goods or services coming into or leaving a country? Tariffs
Which river is extremely valuable because it flows through a desert area of Pakistan Indus River
What is the definition of GDP? The value of all the goods and services produced in a country within a single year.
What body of water is this? Indian Ocean
In what system of government is power shared by a powerful central government and states or provinces are given considerable self rule, usually through their own legislatures. . Federal System
In what type of government does a few people such as a dominant clan or clique have power and the group gets their power from either the military, wealth, or social status. Also, elections may be held but offer only one candidate? Oligarchy
The training, skills, and education that workers bring to their jobs. What is human capital? The training, skills, and education that workers bring to their jobs.
Who believes that to be truly happy you most give up greed and greedy desires? Buddhist
What is it called when countries trade without any trade restrictions or barriers? Free Trade
What is currency? money
What type of government is ruled by a king or dictator? Autocratic
Group of advisors that helps the leader of a country. Cabinet
What is the dominant religion of Indonesia? Islamic
Who taught more about ethics and behavior than about religious ideas? Confucius
What does China specialize in today? Consumer Goods
What political trade barrier limits the amount of goods or services coming into or leaving a country? Quotas
Having a sense of pride in one’s country. What is nationalsim? Having a sense of pride in one’s country.
What is the purpose of having an exchange rate? So that countries can trade with one another
Besides fresh water, why do so many people live along River Plains? Fertile Soil for growing food
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What river is this? Indus River
Who was Vietnam’s First Communist Leader? Ho Chi Minh
Japan’s #1 Natural Resource. FISH
The belief that if one country became Communist than all of its neighbors would also become Communist is known as what? The Domino Theory
The Soviet Union helped what country set up its new government after Japan was forced to give it up? North Korea
Do people living in North Korea elect their leaders? Why or Why not? No, it is a communist nation with a dictator as the ruler.
What happened at the end of the Korean War? North and South Korea were divided along the Demilitarized Zone
What pollution problem is most of East Asia affected by? Asian Brown Cloud
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What country is this? Japan
Japan was put under the control of what country after WWII? u.s.a.
What does standard of living mean? The way people live in a country, the style of home, type of job, availability of resources and entertainment.
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What country is this? Pakistan
Bay of Bengal What body of water is this? ©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What body of water is this? Bay of Bengal
What man was named Supreme Allied Commander of the Pacific after WWII? DOUGLAS MACARTHUR
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What desert is this? Taklamakan Desert
Farmers by day, guerrillas by night Who were the Viet Cong? Farmers by day, guerrillas by night
Why was the Korean War fought? Communist North Korea invaded South Korea
What happened to the role of the emperor in Japan after World War II? His role in Japan became ceremonial in nature.
Why did India and Pakistan became two separate nations in the 1940s? Differences in religions
What was the name for the farmers who lived in South Vietnam and participated in guerilla warfare for North Vietnam at night? Viet Cong
Chang Jiang / Yangtze River ©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What river is this? Chang Jiang / Yangtze River
Why did the United States become involved in the Vietnam war? Because they feared that communism would spread in South Asia.
What type of government does Japan have today? Constitutional Monarchy/Parliamentary Democracy
What type of government does North Korea have today? Communist/ Dictatorship and Autocracy
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What river is this? Ganges
Where does most of North Korea’s money go? To the military
You are a world-class sailor You are a world-class sailor. What body of water would your boat be in if you were on the EAST side of the KOREAN PENISULA? Sea of Japan
What is GDP? The total value of goods and services produced in a country in a given year.
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What country is this? China
What type of economy does Vietnam have today? Mixed/Command
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What country is this? North Korea
Who was Siddhartha Gautama? The Buddha
The communist dictatorship of North Korea has what type of economy? Command The communist dictatorship of North Korea has what type of economy?
©abcteach Japan and Asia Japan What country is this? Vietnam
What system of government is a voluntary association of independent states that agrees to follow a weak central government? Confederation
What system of government has a central government that controls everything and power is not shared between states, counties or provinces? Unitary
What is the name of Japan’s parliament? The Diet
What was the result of the Vietnam War? North Vietnam took over South Vietnam.
Most countries in the world have what type of economic system? Mixed