DO NOW If you found an article last Friday, go ahead and get it now – bring it to your desk. If you did not find an article, get one from the front desk.
DO NOW We have the ninth grade meeting today during third period. We will start back with class tomorrow.
Welcome Back to Earth Systems! .
CLASSROOM STUFF Trash Recycling Pencil Sharpener Erasers Tape, stapler, hole punch Washing hands Kleenex Bathroom passes
ARTICLE INSTRUCTIONS Instructions: Get into groups of two - you will be working with a partner for this activity. You can partner with the same person as Friday. If you didn’t find an article on Friday, make sure you got one from the front. Introduce yourself to your partner.
ARTICLE INSTRUCTIONS Read your article. Share the article you brought with your partner. Discuss: What is the article about (summarize it)? What is most interesting about the article? Why it is important – consider environmental, social and economic impacts? Working with your partner, come up with one or two questions about your article that were not explained and you would like answered this year.
ARTICLE INSTRUCTIONS Write down each question on an index card. We will take them up. We will be coming back to these cards during the year as we cover each unit. Be prepared to present to the class: what you learned about each other, summarize your article, and tell us the question(s) you would like answered.
PRESENTATIONS What you learned about each other Title of article Summarize your article Tell us the question(s) you would like answered.
THINKING AHEAD: Based on the articles we shared today, what do you think is the importance of learning Earth Science? What topics do you think should be covered in an Earth Systems Science Class? What do you think you will enjoy learning about the most?
EARTH SYSTEMS IN THE NEWS PROJECT During the Fall semester you will collect a total of FIVE articles, with one article per unit. You may use your study guides, syllabus, or standards to provide more information about the elements that are included under each standard. Each article in your collection must: Be related to a specific unit. Be written after January 1, 2016. Be at least 500 words in length. Be from a reliable and credible news source with sufficient evidence to back the story. Not sure what is credible? Ask us! Be submitted online through sharing the document on your Google Drive with Mrs. Brim with a link to the article. You must have one article per unit.
EARTH SYSTEMS IN THE NEWS PROJECT For each article you will include a written summary with the following information: Title and author of the Article. Link to the source webpage. The specific ES standard the article is related to. A one paragraph written summary on the page adjacent to the page where you secure each article, focus on the Who’s, What’s, Where’s, When’s, Why’s, and How’s of the article. A second paragraph reflection on the article – why it is important, what you find most interesting and how it relates to the specific topic you are connecting it to. Two questions that you have about the article that you don’t understand. You will submit one article to your Google Drive and share it with Mrs. Brim for each unit no later than TWO days after the unit test. Each article will count as 20% of the project grade for Fall semester.
EARTH SYSTEMS IN THE NEWS Grading: 20 points per Article link and Write up (10 points for content or substance, 10 points for language mechanics – grammar, spelling, etc.) Work that is submitted late will be accepted with a 50% penalty At the end of the semester all points earned on the five articles will be combined for the Fall summative project grade. Please Note: Academic dishonesty of ANY type will NOT be tolerated. If you are found to have falsified article dates, sources, etc., or plagiarize your work– you will receive a ZERO for this grade. Additionally, this is an INDIVIDUAL project, no two students should be found to have the same five articles or identical summaries and reflections in their scrapbooks (considered as plagiarism).
REVIEW Questions? Use the time left in class to DRAFT your article summary. You can upload it to Google at any time using your gmail email address. Due NO LATER than two days after the unit test.