English 10 - 2/10/14 Check the last page and a half of chapter 13. Why does Atticus allow Aunt Alexandra to move in? How does he feel about it? How many doctors does it take to screw in a light bulb? Homilophobia – fear of sermons. Goals – Skim chapters in the book to find text based evidence to support your written response answers from chapter 13 and 14. Homework – Read and annotate chapter 24 in TKAM. How much insurance do you have?
English 10 - 2/11/14 Why does the author choose to enlighten the reader on various people in Maycomb? How does she show us the negative side of the impending trial? Why are there so many Johnsons in the phone book? Mysophobia – fear of dirt. Goals – Do Prompts for chapter 15 and 16. Discuss answers to prompts from chapter 11-14. Schedule vocab. quizzes for the rest of the year. Reading time. Homework – Make sure to finish the book ASAP. Don’t forget to study for Vocabulary Final this week. Because they all have phones.
English 10 - 2/12/14 What makes something in literature a big idea? How do you connect a big idea to your own experience? How many Amish does it take to screw in a light bulb? Aboulia – loss of willpower. Goals – Think deeply about chapters 17-19 before answering the questions. Are there lessons for you? Homework – Read and annotate TKAM up to at least chapter 26. What’s a light bulb?
English 10 - 2/13/14 What do you think is great about America? What could be improved? A clear conscience is a sign of a bad memory. Laclabphily – cheese label collecting. Goals – Read and analyze article about the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Homework – Write about an important idea you received from the article. Use specific evidence from the article to support your ideas.
English 10 - 2/14/14 Five minutes to study for vocabulary final. The trouble with doing something right the first time is that nobody appreciates how hard it was. Atrocibilia – collector of relics associated with mass murder, execution, etc. Goals – Successfully complete vocabulary final study for quizzes 11-20. Record quiz dates in our planners for Greek origin words. Homework – None.