Most Excellent Master Degree
Brother __________--, you have been received and acknowledged a Most Excellent Master. Let this lesson now apply to your daily life. If our temple is erected true and exact to the plans laid out by the great architect of the universe in the book of law, and in a sense, completed by the rejected Keystone, then when the working tools of life drop from our nerveless grasp, then should we be ready to stand before the King of Kings for our just reward, based on acceptance of our Keystone. 9/21/2018
As we labor to complete our spiritual temples, we too might remember the seven branched candlestick and let it represent our influences in life. Do they bring life and light to those about us? 9/21/2018
The shewbread reminds us that we can and should depend on God for our strength. 9/21/2018
The Pot of Incense is a symbol of our acts and deeds. 9/21/2018
The Holy Vessels represent our talents and how we use them. 9/21/2018
The Holy of Holies becomes a place where we as High Priests of our own destiny can meet and communicate with God. 9/21/2018
The Altar of Sacrifice should remind us of our sacrifices in life for others. 9/21/2018
The Shekinah assures us that God will dwell in our Temple if it is erected by plumb, square and rule and furnished properly by thoughts words and actions. 9/21/2018
You see, my Brother, how typical our lives are of the Temple and succeeding structures, thrown down in ruins, yet restored again and again. We may fail and see our temples in ruins, yet by trust in God we see them rise again. If we erect our temple to God and His service, furnish it with deeds of sacrifice and devotion, then we can be assured that God’s favor will come down upon our altar and His presence be a never-ending inspiration in our lives. Let us therefore resolve to study the Divine plan that our Temple may be erected straight and true. 9/21/2018
Psalms 23, 24 and 122 Matthew 6:9 - 13 II Chronicles 6:12 – 22; 40 – 42 and 7:3 You may, at your leisure, want to read Psalms 23, 24 & 122, Matthew 6:9-13 and II Chronicles 6:12-22, 40-42 and 7:3. These scriptures were referred to in the Most Excellent Master Degree and will remind you of what you witnessed. 9/21/2018
Most Excellent Master Degree Now, let’s review the Stp, D-G, Pnl Sn, G H Sn, Gr and Wd of a Most Excellent Master and I will answer any questions you may have about this degree.