Chapter 6 Section 2 The Israelite Kingdom.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 6 Section 2 The Israelite Kingdom

Early Kings PG 148 Israelites settled most of Canaan prospered- created an alphabet and a calendar. The Philistines remained a powerful enemy- many wanted to unite the 12 tribes to fight them Hebrew Bible says Israelites asked judge Samuel to choose a king- Samuel warned a king would tax and enslave them- they still demanded a king Samuel named Saul saying God had blessed him Saul let then in many battles, but eventually lost favor, the Hebrew Bible says he disobeyed God Saul

PG 149 Then God instructed Samuel to choose another king- he chose David Was know an being brave before he was king The Hebrew Bible tells of a fight between David and Goliath- he killed Goliath with one stone King Saul put an army under his control Saul died in battle against the Philistines- David returned and became king David united the tribes- his army defeated the Philistines- he then established Israel a capital-Jerusalem David is believed to have written the Book of Psalms King David

PG 150 The Israelites prospered under David’s rule Used terrace farming Israelites and Jews honored him as their greatest king King David’s son Solomon became king around 970BC Solomon brought a long period of peace- and built the first temple in Jerusalem called The First Temple- helped the Ark of the Covenant King Solomon- known for his wisdom- wrote proverbs which are recorded in the Hebrew Bible Israelites turned against him- they did not like working on his building project

PG 151 Two Kingdoms The Fall of Israel After Solomon's death the 10 northern tribes created Israel- with its capital Samaria The tribes in the south founded Judah- with its capital Jerusalem Both preserved the Israelites religion Other surrounding areas tried to take over the trade routes by threatening them Assyrians spread fear- forced people to pay tribute or burned their towns People of Israel refused to pay tribute and the Assyrians invaded in 722BC- they captured Samaria The Fall of Israel

PG 152 Mixed the Israelites with other people- cultures mixed and became knowns as Samaritans Samaritans adopted many of the Israelites religious beliefs Judaism developed from the religious practices – preserved mainly in the kingdom of Judah. Judah survived the Assyrians In 597 BC- Nebuchadnezzar chose a new king to rule Judah The king led the people of Judah to revolt- Chaldeans retook Jerusalem- in 586BC and then leveled it to the ground, destroyed the temple, captured the king and thousands of Judah’s people. Fall of Judah

PG 153 What was the Prophet’s Message ? This became known as the Babylonian Exile Prophets offered hope in times of despair- explained when people were not obeying God- and they urged people to change Jewish prophets valued social justice and the importance of leading a moral like and helping others in order to connect to God What was the Prophet’s Message ?