Knighthood and Chivalry
Getting Started Brainstorm answers to the following… What is honour? Why is it important? Based on your answers to the questions above, write a short paragraph (5 sentences) agreeing or disagreeing with the statement below… Agree or Disagree Honour is a characteristic that is missing in many aspects of society today.
Knights What comes to mind when you think of “knights”? You may want to try to answer the following questions as part of your brainstorm What do they wear? What is their job? Where do they fit into the social hierarchy? Are they well respected?
Knights and Education Read pages 141-143 Answer questions #1, 2, 4 on page 145 We will discuss these upon completion
Using and Recognizing Symbols What do you associate with the following things?
Knights and Symbols Knights and other noble families had their own coat of arms (a.k.a. family crests) Knights often displayed these coats of arms on their shields
Page A Knight’s Education: Page: · The boy is sent at eight years old to a neighbouring castle where he is trained to be a page. · Usually he is the son of a knight or a member of the aristocracy · Learns how to use a sword · Plays games of strategy such as chess · Learns code of chivalry
Squire Squire: · At the age of 15 or 16 a boy became a squire in service to a knight · He dressed the knight in the morning · Cleaned the knights armor · Learns Jousting · Accompanies knights to tournaments · Helps in battle, takes prisoners.
Knight Knight: · Can become a knight at the age of 20 · Serves lord in war · Oversees land as vassal · Takes part in tournaments
Coat of Arms Assignment Read the assignment criteria provided Begin creating your own coat of arms You will create a coat of arms You will then explain why you included the elements that you did (paragraph) This is due on Thursday