Hot times in the old days Medieval Romance Hot times in the old days
The Romance A romance is an adventure tale that features… extravagant characters exotic places heroic events passionate love supernatural forces. Expresses ideals of chivalry. The stories were meant to entertain as well as convey the medieval values of loyalty and Christian Faith
The Romantic Hero The Romantic Hero is a knight of superhuman strength, intelligence, and virtue who follows the code of chivalry.
Chivalry The code of chivalry required that a knight… Swear allegiance to his lord Fight to uphold Christianity Seek to redress all wrong Honor truth by word and deed Be faithful to one lady Act with bravery, courtesy, and modesty
The Quest The Hero of a romance often proves his worth by undertaking a quest or journey for love, religious faith or desire for adventure. There are many obstacles that must be overcome on the quest.
Exotic Setting Romances are set in imaginary kingdoms with… Great castles Enchanted lakes Forests of giants and monsters
Supernatural Elements Sorcerers and magic spells, giants and dragons, mysterious evil forces, and knowledge of future events all play a part in romances.
Hidden Identities In a romance, others are often unaware of a character’s true identity. The truth is usually revealed at the climax of the tale.
Episodic Structure Romances are not tightly structured; characters simply go from one adventure to the next.