4. Messengers of Allah LO What is the role of the prophets of God? Why do Muslims believe ‘Muhammad as the seal of the prophets’?
Do you remember? Name the four books of God. Why do Muslims follow only the Qur’an, but believe in all books of Allah? Tawraat Zaboor Injeel Qur’an
Why do you think God sent messengers to human being?
What do Muslims believe about Messengers? Prophets bring Allah’s message so the people know how to behave. Humans not angels. They receive their message from an angel but are human themselves. 25 named in the Qur’an. Muslim tradition – 124, 000! Every nation has been sent a prophet. Protected from sins and chosen by Allah. Should be blessed when their name is mentioned. All, except Isa, were married and had children. Each prophet given Allah’s word for their generation – therefore each prophet brought Islam – but their words were either ignored, forgotten or distorted so that Allah had to send a new prophet with the original message.
What do you know about some other Messengers of God? Adam Created as God’s vice-regent God forbade to eat the certain fruit, which he did. Expelled from the Garden of Eden Confessed and forgiven in Arafat, became the first prophet , built the Ka’bah first in Makkah Adam and Eve had two sons, one got murdered by the other
Ibrahim Born to a polytheistic family Rejected polytheism Had two elder sons who were also prophets – Ismail & Is’haq Ismail was the elder son and born to Hagar When Is’haq was born, Sarah made Ibrahim take Hagar & Ismail into Arabia. There Ibrahim rebuilt the Ka’bah with the help of Ismail and in Mina he was tested to sacrifice his son. Ibrahim was also tempted by the devil and threw stones at him. The Scrolls of Ibrahim –mentioned in the Qur’an.
Musa (Moses) Dawud Musa was born a Jew but brought up by Pharaoh’s daughter. He killed an Egyptian and fled to Midian where Allah called him to lead the slaves out of slavery in Egypt and into Allah’s Promised Land. He was given the word of God in the Tawrat (Torah) The great king of Israel made Jerusalem a holy place for Muslims. Given the word of God in the Zabur (Psalms).
Isa Maryam = mother. Virgin. Never had sex. Conceived by the power of God. Given the holy book Injil (Gospel) and performed many miracles. Jewish authorities wanted to crucify Him but God would not allow it to happen. Muslims believe Jesus did not die but was taken up by Allah to heaven; (Qur’an s 4 v157) Muslim tradition asserts that Isa will return before the end of the world and gather all true Muslims together. Isa is only a prophet.
How far do you agree with the Muslim belief about the distortion of the previous messages God?
What do you think it means?
4. Belief in Messengers of Allah “Muhammad is the seal of the prophets” - Read Pages 21-22 - Highlight or underline the key points on the finality Muhammad’s messenger hood. - Annotate each paragraph by suggesting a subtitle
Muhammad the seal of the Prophets The Qur’an: ‘Muhammad is no more than an Apostle: many were the apostles that passed away before him.’ (s3 v144) ‘Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but He is the Apostle of God and seal of the Prophets.’ (s33 v40)
Muhammad the seal of the Prophets Been given the final message, the Qur’an – can never be distorted. Therefore no more prophets. Performed miracles, died an ordinary death & was buried. Given Qur’an in Arabic and immediately written down in Arabic so there are no differences between copies of the Qur’an. Islam began with Adam and completed with Muhammad. So He restored Islam what God wanted it to be.
Implications of Muhammad being ‘Seal of Prophets.’ As Muhammad is final prophet, his example must be the final way to live your life. That is why Sunnah and Hadith are so important. ‘Ye have indeed in the Apostle of God a beautiful pattern of conduct’ (s33 v21) Anyone who claims to have a new message cannot be a Muslim. There can be no new beliefs other than what is in the Qur’an. Can cause problems for re-interpreting in the light of modern world, ie, status of women. Point 1 may cause problems; Some may think that Muhammad was more than a man, but that is shirk.
Comment on the significance of the teachings selected in (above) for Muslims. Debate the features of prophecy and the significance of this for relations with both Jews and Christians. Consider various key themes such as the influence of the selected topic on issues such as Qur’anic scholarship and distinguishing features of prophecy especially in an Islamic context. Comment on some issues related to evidence as seen in the Qur’an and issues about its interpretation such as diachronic or synchronic views of the Qur’an.
4. Messengers of Allah LO What do Muslims believe about the holy prophets of God? Why do Muslims believe ‘Muhammad as the seal of the prophets’?
Guess Biblical names of these prophets. Extension Qur’anic name Biblical name Adam Nuh Ibrahim Isma’il Ya’qub Musa Daud Sulayman ‘Isa Muhammad Guess Biblical names of these prophets.
Possible Exam Question Explore the key teachings about messengers of God. (8 marks) “Muhammad is the seal of the prophets”. Assess the claim.