The Rise of Europe Chapter 7
The Beginning What marks the beginning of the Middle Ages? Fall of Rome After the fall we see political, social, and economic decline Europe was cut off from the rest of the world The culture of this period Medieval civilization
Germanic Kingdoms Various Germanic kingdoms set up Goths, Vandals, Saxons, and Franks Different from Romans > they were farmers and herders Divided Western Europe into smaller kingdoms New power emerging across the Mediterranean Religion of Islam Battle of Tours Charles Martel > Frankish king > stops Muslim advance into France
Charlemagne’s Achievements Age of Charlemagne King of the Franks > Charlemagne > Charles the Great Reunites much of western Roman empire Charlemagne’s Achievements
New Waves of Invaders Magyars Vikings Settled in present-day Hungary Controlled much of Eastern Europe Vikings Home > Scandinavia? Norway, Denmark, and Sweden Farmers, expert sailors, destructive raiders, traders, & explorers
Feudalism Medieval society > network of mutual obligations Arose out of the need for protection Loosely organized system of rule in which powerful local lords divided their landholdings among lesser lords (vassals) Varied from place to place
Mutual Obligations Feudal contract Exchange of pledges Vassal granted a fief (estate) which included peasants Lord promised vassal protection for his loyalty & military service
Society Monarch (King or Queen) Powerful lords Vassals (lesser lords) Dukes, Counts, Barons, etc. Vassals (lesser lords) Could be Knights as well Pledged absolute loyalty to lord above him
Knights and Nobles Lords battled with each other Knights (Vassals) Mounted warrior >usually fought on horseback Training difficult Mock battles > tournaments Defended castle (home of the lord)
Noblewomen Took over her husband’s duty when he was off fighting Inheritance was restricted Only men could inherit land Passed from father to eldest son Could receive land as part of her dowry Arranged marriages Learned to read and write
Chivalry Code of Chivalry Troubadours Knights code of conduct Standard for behavior Bravery, loyalty, fairness in battle, etc. Troubadours Wandering musicians > sang about the deeds of knights Basis for epic stories and poems
The Manor: An Economic System Heart of the medieval economy > manor (lord’s estate) One or more villages and the surrounding land Most peasants on manor were serfs (bound to the land) Tied to the lord through mutual rights and obligations Farmed the lord’s land in return they were protected Peasants guaranteed food, housing, and land Manor > self-sufficient Everything was produced there that was needed to live Peasant life was harsh Long working hours Poor harvest = starvation Disease was common