Viral StD’s
Need To Know Viral STD’s Herpes Hepatitis B HIV HPV Viral STD’s are NOT curable Medical treatment can make them less severe
Herpes sores on mouth or genitals Transmitted through skin to skin contact Hugging, shaking hands, sharing food, etc. Usually not aware Sores, blisters, rash, itching, burning, tingling, fever, etc Average of 4-5 Herpes outbreaks a year
Hepatitis B Causes chronic infection, cirrhosis, cancer of liver Present in blood, semen, vaginal secretion, breast milk Transmitted through unprotected anal, vaginal, and oral sex with infected person, contaminated needles, or infected mother Symptoms include fever, aches, appetite loss, fatigue, yellowing of skin, dark urine, nausea, etc.
HIV Causes immune system to weaken & lose it’s ability to fight off infections and cancers Transmitted, same as Hepatitis B NO symptoms Average time between HIV and AIDs 8-11 years
HPV more than 100 types 1/3 cause warts that infect the genital tract It can grow on the cervix, vagina, penis, urethra, and anus Can lead to cervical cancer Some HPV infections have no harmful effect May experience no visible signs No cure but # of methods to remove warts Transmitted by direct skin contact
Nice to Know By 2010 at least 35 million children have lost 1 or both parents to AIDS Each year approximately 333 million new cases of STD’s in the world Hepatitis B causes 620,000 deaths each year Hepatitis B infection mainly in 25-44 years old HPV Disappear in 70% of people in 1 year and 90% in 2 years
Skills ABSTINENCE Know your partner Don’t be afraid to ask Know the different diseases Use protection
Resources ml safer-sex/hpv-4272.htm