Journal During the Middle Ages, there was a code of conduct called Chivalry. What do you think of when you hear this word? What does it mean to you?
The Early Middle Ages: The Franks & Feudalism Or..were the Dark Ages really a dark as they seemed?
Who sacked the city of Rome? Germanic Tribes 0r...
The Franks In the Roman province of Gaul (France) No cities or written laws 100s of tiny kingdoms Farmers or herders Swore loyalty to King weapons & loot
Clovis Converts to Christianity after a battle Church supports Clovis’s conquests by 511 AD—united all of the Franks into one kingdom Two forces were now allied Military (Franks) Spiritual (Church)
Charles Martel extended Frank’s reign to the north, south, and east defeated Muslims at the Battle of Tours Stopped the Muslim expansion into W. Europe becomes a Christian hero
Pepin the Short son of Charles Martel Fights the Lombards for the Church pope declares him “king by the Grace of God” this begins the Carolingian Dynasty
Charlemagne Greatest European empire since Rome Summer military campaigns Muslims in Spain and Germanic tribes Spread Christianity by conquering the east and south Holy Roman Emperor joining of Germanic power, the Church, and the heritage of the Roman Empire
Charlemagne’s Empire Included 2/3 of Italy, all of France, a small part of Spain, and Germany
Charlemagne Cnt. Limits rule of the nobles Visits whole kingdom Increases Education Irish, English, German, Italian, and Spanish scholars school for court children Monasteries—trained monks expanded libraries handwritten copies of books
After Charlemagne Grandsons split empire Magyars—900 AD, cavalry from Hungary invade Vikings—From Scandinavia, sailors Raided and looted from Ireland to France
What is Feudalism? Social Structure of the Middle Ages Based on loyalty and importance of the Oath Keep these words in mind while you are watching the film: Manor Lords Vassals Fief Knights Serf Peasants Self-Sufficiency
Social Pyramid Dependent on each other: Relationships King Lords Lesser Nobles, Knights Serfs Peasants King/Lord Vassal Gives Land (fief) Power/ authority Collects Taxes Loyalty Military service Taxes Manor Lord Serf Gives Small land Protection Basic needs Labor/taxes Loyalty Military service (sometimes)
The Manor System Self-Sufficient Controlled by Lord All needs provided on estate Controlled by Lord (who was someone else’s Vassal) Remember:
Chivalry Complex rules governing society Three Masters: Feudal Lord Heavenly Lord Chosen Lady Knights usually wealthy Education starts at 7 till 21 Tournaments, troubadours, poetry Real warfare brutal Few women had authority
Medieval Letter Writing: Take one of the following roles and write a letter to a family member in a different country. Tell them what your life is like on the manor, what rights you have, and the work you do. You may only use your notes from today. Make it at least 1 page: Lord (Major Lord) Vassal (Lesser Lord) Knight Serf Peasant