Quote of the Day “This scourge had implanted so great a terror in the hearts of men and women that brothers abandoned brothers, uncles their nephews, sisters their brothers, and in many cases wives deserted their husbands. But even worse, fathers and mothers refused to nurse and assist their own children.”
Schism, Plague, War
Church Divided King Philip of France is told he must obey the pope Imprisons him New Pope Clement V moves to Avignon (France) When Pope Gregory XI died the College of Cardinals selected Urban VI (Italian) Immediately regret this decision Elect a new pope Clement VII French Pope now lived in Avignon and the Italian Pope in Rome Great Schism
Church Challenged Eventually the Church reunites Why not as powerful? John Wycliffe Jesus Christ was head of church Jan Hus Authority of Bible higher than the Pope
The Plague Started in Asia and traveled to Europe Black Death Purple and black spots on skin Spread by rats carrying fleas People did not bathe, garbage in streets Killed 1/3 of Europe’s population
Effects of the Plague Trade declined, increased prices Population Falls Trade declined, increased prices Peasants revolt Church loses credibility, prayer doesn’t cure Fall of feudalism
Hundred Years War England’s Edward III claimed right to French throne Exchanged victories Change in the style of warfare Longbow Penetrated armor Unhorsed knights Joan of Arc Had visions and heard the voices of saints to save France Won at ‘Orleans giving France victory in the war Captured and burned alive
Lisa Simpson Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFv2gOIie_w
Hundred Years War Effects Nationalism: King was leader of country not just lord King power and prestige increases Lack of religious devotion End of chivalry End of Middle Ages
Review Questions Cause and effect of the following: Split in Church Plague 100 Year’s War What was the Great Schism? Three effects of bubonic plague Impact of Joan of Arc