Warm ups November 14-18
English iv
Eng iv | Warm up | m 11/14/16 I can determine themes of chivalry and courtly love in First Knight and cite specific evidence from the movie to support my analysis of the themes. How will you know when you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.1, 11-12.RL.2
Eng iv | Warm up | tu 11/15/16 I can determine themes of chivalry and courtly love in First Knight and cite specific evidence from the movie to support my analysis of the themes. How will you know when you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.1, 11-12.RL.2
Eng iv | Warm up | th 11/17/16 I can come to the carousel discussion prepared and can respond thoughtfully, using my background knowledge and evidence from First Knight, to questions posed and topics discussed with my peers. How will you know when you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.1
Eng iv | Warm up | f 11/18/16 I can collaborate with my peers to demonstrate my knowledge and analysis of Sir Gawain and the ideas of medieval literature through participation in Kahoot. How will you know when you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.10, 11-12.SL.1
Ap literature
Ap lit | warm up | m 11/14/16 I can read and analyze Hamlet with my peers - pausing to monitor for meaning by determining unfamiliar words and phrases and discussing with my peers. How will you know when you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.10
Ap lit | warm up | tu 11/15/16 I can silently read and analyze my book as well as demonstrate analysis and understanding through my book project/journal. How will you know when you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.1, 11-12.RL.10
Ap lit | warm up | w 11/16/16 I can read and analyze Hamlet with my peers - pausing to monitor for meaning by determining unfamiliar words and phrases and discussing with my peers. How will you know when you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.10
Ap lit | warm up | th 11/17/16 I can come to the carousel discussion prepared and can respond thoughtfully, using my background knowledge and evidence from the text, to questions posed and topics discussed with my peers. How will you know when you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.1, 11-12.RL.2, 11-12.SL.1.a, 11-12.SL.1.d
Ap lit | warm up | f 11/18/16 I can monitor for meaning and analyze the text by the re- reading strategy and by looking for an overall meaning. How will you know when you’ve mastered this target? 11-12.RL.4, 11-12.RL.6, 11-12.RL.10