A Study of The Canterbury Tales and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Exploring Canterbury A Study of The Canterbury Tales and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
The Journey Begins . . . In October 1066, a daylong battle near Hastings, England, cemented the conquest of England. Duke William II of Normandy took control.
England in the Middle Ages Feudalism replaced the Nordic social system. The primary duty of males above the serf class was to serve in the military—Knighthood. Women had no political rights. Chivalry and courtly love served as the system of social codes
England in the Middle Ages Lower, middle, and upper-middle classes developed in the cities.
England in the Middle Ages The Crusades extended from 1095-1270. They brought contact with Eastern mathematics, astronomy, architecture, and crafts.
England in the Middle Ages The Magna-Carta defeated papal central power.
England in the Middle Ages The Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453) was the first national war waged by England. Kings of England were vassals to the Kings of France.
England in the Middle Ages The Black Death (1348-1349) brought the end of the Middle Ages. Fleas on rats carried the bubonic plague which killed thousands of people. in Europe.
Read pages 90-91 Answer the following questions According to Geoffrey Chaucer, what could unite people from diverse backgrounds and occupations? What was a pilgrimage? Who is the narrator of “The Canterbury Tales”? How many pilgrims does the narrator meet up with? 5. Where do they meet? 6. Near what modern day city is this Inn located? 7. Who is the host of the Inn? What challenge does he propose? 8. Who judges the competition? What is the prize awarded to the winner of the challenge? 9. In what way is The Canterbury Tales a story about stories? How many tales does it consist of? 10. Chaucer’s Prologue describes Medieval Hierarchy. Which characters does he use to differentiate the various ranks?
Geoffrey Chaucer c. 1343-1400 Considered the father of English poetry Wrote in the vernacular (language spoken by the ordinary man) Served as a soldier, government servant, and member of Parliament Introduced iambic pentameter (more on this next) First writer buried in Westminster Abbey Learn more about Chaucer. Go to. . . http://www.unc.edu/depts/chaucer/index.html
Chaucer & Iambic Pentameter Chaucer was labeled the “Father of English Poetry,” because of his storytelling The Canterbury Tales uses the heroic couplet, a poetic convention in which each pair of lines rhyme in iambic pentameter. (each line has 5 metric units, or feet. Each foot (every two syllables) consists of an unstressed syllable (marked ˇ ) followed by a stressed syllable (marked / ). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 “A lo ver and ca det, a lad of fire A lo ver and ca det, a lad of fire With locks of curly as if they had been pressed He was some twenty years of age, I guessed.” Each line has 10 syllables. Beats alternate unstressed. . . stressed Every two lines rhyme: couplet
The Canterbury Tales: Snapshot of an Age It frames a story of characters on a religious pilgrimage to Canterbury. The characters are a concise portrait of an entire nation. The pilgrimage is a quest narrative that moves from images of spring and awakening to penance, death, and eternal life. The characters tell stories that reflect “everyman” in the universal pilgrimage of life.
The Travelers to Canterbury
The Travelers to Canterbury
The Travelers to Canterbury
Chaucer’s Snapshot of the Middle Ages Population
Works Cited Home Brown, Ian. “The Green Knight.” 2002. May 16, 2003 <http://www.lib.rochester.edu/camelot/gawmenu.htm>. “Geoffrey Chaucer.” Elements of Literature Sixth Course. Ed. Robert R. Hoyt. Austin, 1977. T99. Pyle, Howard. “Sir Gawain the Son of Lot, King of Orkney.” 1903. May 16, 2003 <http://wwwlib.rochester.edu/camelot/gawmenu.htm>. “The Canterbury Tales: A Snapshot of an Age.” Elements of Literature Sixth Course. Ed. Robert R. Hoyt. Austin, 1977. T101-T104.