A. B. D. C. Greek two-rivers Tigris Euphrates Iraq arid


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Presentation transcript:

A. B. D. C. Greek two-rivers Tigris Euphrates Iraq arid Identify the following geographic features by placing the corresponding letter on the map. A—Tigris River B—Euphrates River C—Nile River D—Mediterranean Sea Draw a dotted line showing the location of the Fertile Crescent. A. B. D. Fertile Crescent C. Geography Mesopotamia is a ____________________ word meaning between the __________________________ Ancient Mesopotamia was located between the ______________________ and _____________________ Rivers Most of Mesopotamia was located in present day ___________________ The _________dry climate was mixed with seasonal flooding from the rivers Greek two-rivers Tigris Euphrates Iraq arid

Language Mesopotamians were the _________________to use writing (around 3,000 BC), it was called ____________________ Cuneiform was wedge shaped symbols pressed into ________________ tablets The Mesopotamians wrote many ____________ The most famous was the epic______________ called Gilgamesh Writing allowed people to keep records of their transactions First civilization Cuneiform wet, clay stories poem

Officials, scribes & minor priests Duties and Responsibilities: _________________________________________ King Created new laws, head of the army, intercessor to their gods Conducted religious ceremonies, served as doctors to the ill High Priests & Nobles Worked in the palace, army and as merchants; public writers Officials, scribes & minor priests Engaged in trade, document business transactions in cuneiform Uneducated farmers who worked for others. Owned homes Craftsmen & Artisans Servants, laborers & peasants/slaves

Each town was protected by its own, unique deity or god Religion The people of Mesopotamia believed in many _________. This is called ________________________________. Each town was protected by its own, unique deity or god The ________________, served as the city’s _______________, and was also the center of every city Gods polytheism ziggurat temple

They used a barter _____________ Economy At first, the Sumerians grew a _______________ barley for metals, timber, stone, and grapevines Later, the Sumerians began to make goods for trade that they could move easily, such as_______ and bronze ornaments The Mesopotamians made written contracts, loans and created a credit system They used a barter _____________ surplus/extra copper system

Government The Mesopotamians had _______________ laws that everyone in the empire had to follow . King Hammurabi made 282 laws called Hammurabi’s______________; the laws were written in stone and placed in a public location. They believed the gods called the king to establish justice and order; whoever disobeyed the _____________disobeyed the gods a variety code laws

You Decide Law 202 Law 195 Law 233 Law 22 Law 122 Law 5 Law 3 Determine which laws you find fair or cruel. Put the number of the law on the correct side of the scale Law 3:If someone falsely accuses someone else of certain crimes, then he shall be put to death Law 5:If a judge makes an error through his own fault when trying a case, he must pay a fine, be removed from the judge’s bench, and never judge another case. Law 22:If someone is caught in the act of robbery, then he shall be put to death Law 122:If someone gives something to someone else for safekeeping, the transaction should be witnessed and a contract made between the two parties. Law 195: If a son strikes his father, the son’s hands shall be cut off. Law 233: If a contractor builds a house for someone and the walls start to fall, then the builder must use his own money labor to make the walls secure. Law 202: If someone strikes a man of higher rank, then he shall be whipped 60 times in public. Law 202 Law 195 Law 233 Law 22 Law 122 Law 5 Law 3 Fair Cruel

Questions: 1. Why do some people thin Hammurabi laws were fair? 2. Why do others think the laws were cruel? 3. What are some laws in the United States that are similar to Hammurabi’s?