Section 4- Reducing Disparities
Syllabus Content Discuss the different ways in which disparities can be reduced with an emphasis on trade and market access, debt relief, aid and remittances. Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies designed to reduce disparities.
Key Definitions Disparity Marginalisation Development Gap
Core and Periphery Having looked at the Gini Co-efficient and Lorenz curve, it is clear that wealth is not equally distributed. 15% of the global population enjoy 75% of the wealth. Globally, we can separate countries into 2 groups, the CORE and the PERIPHERY.
Reduction of Global Disparities The following are all strategies that can lead to the reduction of disparities. trade market access fairtrade debt relief aid remittances 1. Define these terms. 2. Use the links document I have sent to research: what they are, how they reduce disparities, and evaluate how successful they have been.
How does it reduce disparities? TRADE MARKET ACCESS FAIRTRADE DEBT RELIEF AID REMITTANCE What is it? How does it reduce disparities? How successful has it been in reducing disparities?