The Middle Ages
The beginning… Early Middle Ages Decline of Roman Empire Rise of Northern Europe New forms of government Heavy “Romanization” (religion, language, laws, architecture, government) “Middle Age” and is source of English word “medieval”
Early Middle Ages Dark Ages (500 CE- 1000 CE)- called this because it is seen as a time with little or no progress. Rise of influence of barbarians. Roman Emperors had granted barbarian mercenaries land within the Roman Empire in return for military service and these barbarians would eventually became the new rulers
Warriors and War-bands in the West Period of change in Western Europe as barbarians were migrating in to areas given up by Romans As more barbarians moved westward, other tribes were forced to move Groups categorized by languages and little else Celtic: Gauls, Britons, Bretons Germanic: Goths, Frank, Vandals, Saxons Slavic: Wends
The Church works with Kings Church was granted favors by Kings (land, exemption from taxes, immunity in courts, positions in courts) and The Church would endorse kings to help secure their rule Church educated administrators to help run kingdoms Kings would enforce laws that prohibited other religions
Other invaders Muslims come from Arabia, conquered North Africa and Spain Magyars conquer Eastern Europe Vikings come from Scandinavia
High Middle Ages System of primogeniture= system where eldest son inherited everything (instead of dividing land / property / wealth) Lords and knights had little loyalty and began competing for land, power, influence and control Peace of God= laws that prohibited stealing from or destroying a church. Used the threat of excommunication from Church Truce of God= outlawed all fighting from Thursday to Monday morning, on important feast days and during religious days Truce encouraged idea that the only wars pleasing to God were wars defending of Christendom (idea of the righteousness of holy war)
Noble Class Land-owners, Knights Women had little rights Age of Chivalry
Slaves and Serfs Slaves made up of conquered peoples Some treated harshly, while other were treated fairly Rural slaves became serfs, worked the land and provided labor for owner (in return from protection) Serf were bound to the land Set up for system of feudalism
Feudalism Weak turn to the strong for protection, strong want something from the weak Feudalism= relationship between those ranked in a chain of association (kings, vassals, lords, knights, serfs) Feudalism worked because voluntary co-operation from serf to noble Serf-manor relationship Fief = land given by a lord in return for a vassal’s military service and oath of loyalty Serfs= common peasants who worked the lords land Tithe = tax that serfs paid (tax or rent)
Manor Economy
Manor Economy Peasants worked the land Self-sufficient economy Lands divided into strips for farming Church, Mill, Blacksmith Barns, Orchards, Meadows, Houses, Villages
Wars and Conflicts War of Investitures (Pope Gregory VII and Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV) Norman Conquests & William the Conqueror (who was crowned King of England) Magna Carta (king is subject to the law) Crusades (standoff between Pope Gregory VII and Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV in War of Investitures)
Crusades Muslims capture Jerusalem!! Church and Kings want it back Pope calls on all able Christians to fight 7 Crusades. 1st was successful, next 6 were failures Attacked Constantinople during the 4th Richard Lionheart, King of England Siege of Jerusalem
Effects of Crusades military failure but many positive effects spreading of culture scientific and mathematical knowledge Trade! (Spices, fabrics, perfumes Constantinople loses power Increased power for Kings Decreased power for Church
Magna Carta John I of England was a bad ruler Nobles forced him to give them certain rights Protection people from arbitrary arrest and imprisonment King cannot raise taxes without permission from Great Council Monarch must obey law
Black Plague, 1348 Black Death a devastating worldwide pandemic struck Europe in the mid 14th century killed 1/3 the population, 34 million people.
The Bubonic Plague Came from Asia, spread around the world. Affected India, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Europe Spread by fleas and rats Spread along trading routes Seen as a punishment from God Affected all classes equally Ring around the Rosie EFFECTS Caused massive depopulation Weakened influence of Church Peasant class becomes more important
Illustration of the Black Death from the Toggenburg Bible (1411).
100 Years War 1337-1453 France vs. England. Fought over lands in France English King tried to claim French throne. War over English owned lands in France English win at first Longbow Joan of Arc French end up victorious Cannon
Effects of 100 Years War English lost land in France National pride English kings asked Parliament for money, gives authority to Parliament Longbow and cannon as weapons Change in warfare meant change in society