Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop Tuesday tutorial Allow people to change today we will pick up the sheets tomorrow after lunch Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop
Data Reduction Tutorials - Friday EVLA Cont./Polarization – Science Operations Center (SOC) EVLA Spectral Line – Speare 23, Weir 128, Weir 209 VLBA Phase Referencing – SOC Specific room assignments can be found on the shelves outside Workman 101 Please check where you should go tomorrow before leaving today. Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop
NRAO Science Operations Center (Called Array Operations enter on your maps) You are here Speare Weir Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop
Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop Hikes - Saturday South Baldy– buses will pick up at 8:00 and will pick up at the Super 8, Howard Johnson’s, Econo Lodge and Best Western (if you aren’t at one of these locations please walk to one of them). Sunglasses, hats and sunscreen recommended, some water and snacks will be provided. You may want to bring a lunch Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop
Cookout/Pool Party - Saturday Location: Tech Field and Swim Center Cookout from 5:00-6:30 at Tech Field (outside swim center) Pool available from 5:00-8:00 There will not be transportation from the hotels to NMT before the BBQ/Pool party. Shuttles will take people to hotels from BBQ/Pool Party from 6:30-8:30. Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop
Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop EVLA Tour - Sunday Buses will pick up at Super 8, Howard Johnson’s, Econo Lodge and Best Western at 9:00am (if you aren’t at one of these locations please walk to one of them). To do antenna climb you must wear closed toed shoes (e.g. athletic shoes). Sunglasses, hats and sunscreen strongly recommended. It is very hard to see in the antenna dish without sunglasses. Lunch will be provided at the EVLA Return to Socorro at about 3:00 Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop
Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop ALMA Reception Takes place in Ballroom on the third floor of Fidel Center from 6:30-8:30 Snacks and presentations on ALMA Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop
Discussion Session (6:00-6:30) Very Long Baseline Interferometry – Adam Deller Workman 107 Astrometry – Mark Reid Workman 109 Wide Field Imaging I – Sanjay Bhatnagar Workman 101 Wide Field Imaging II – Juegen Ott Workman 113 Millimeter Interferometry – Chrystal Brogan Workman 115 Twelfth Synthesis Imaging Workshop