On Their Level: A Conversation about Youth Recruitment and Engagement April 4, 2018 2–3 pm ET
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Introduction to What Works in Youth HIV (WWYH) The WWYH project is operated by JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc., an international public health organization dedicated to improving the health of individuals and communities around the world. WWYH runs through a cooperative agreement awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Adolescent Health with funding from the HHS Secretary’s Minority AIDS Initiative Fund.
WWYH Goal Improve the health and well-being of America’s adolescents by providing practical and innovative website content that empowers youth-serving providers to meet the needs of youth at highest risk for HIV/AIDS.
WWYH Strategies Support and promote interventions and strategies to better integrate HIV prevention focused on youth. Promote evidence-based programs and practices. Connect with training and technical assistance opportunities, including social media and educational campaigns.
Webinar Objectives Understand why recruitment and engagement are common challenges for youth-serving programs. Describe program attributes for the tailored recruitment of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ), homeless, and urban youth. Identify one recruitment or engagement strategy you can apply in your program.
Agenda Speaker introductions Conversation question #1 Presentation of strategies Conversation question #2 Audience questions
Speaker Introductions
Meet Timothy Kordic. Manages the HIV/AIDS Prevention Unit for the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Has been working in the fields of sexual health and HIV prevention−education for 10 years In charge of sexual health at LAUSD, K-12 Learn more: aidspreventionlausd.net projectula.org
Meet Maranda Ward. Community educator, curriculum developer, and youth builder Teaches in school and out of school spaces as faculty and a public health practitioner Committed to amplifying youth voice, preserving community and civic identity, and advancing health equity Learn more: promisingfuturesdc.org Social media: @PRMSNGFTRES
Meet Lamar Anderson. Community Mobilizer for the D.C. Prevention Center Wards 5 & 6 with over 13 years of experience Focuses on increasing youth involvement as it pertains to issues directly affecting their communities Motivated to create positive change in the lives of youth in the D.C. area Learn more: Drugfreeyouthdc.com Social media: @drugfreedc
Conversation question #1: What makes recruiting and engaging youth in programs so challenging? Check the chat box for a link!
What makes recruiting and engaging youth in programs so challenging?
Presentation of Strategies
Tailoring recruitment for Latino and Black men who have sex with men (MSM)
Tailoring recruitment for Latino and Black MSM Getting funding specifically for the populations that are most impacted by HIV Finding the right community partners who are relevant to your population Marketing and recruitment for young people
Keeping young people engaged in youth development programs
Keeping young people engaged in youth development programs Meaningfully engage youth in program decisions and processes Invest in developmentally appropriate long-term programming options Strategically align programming to shifting youth values, needs, and interests
Meeting homeless youth where they are
Meeting homeless youth where they are youth’s basic needs Community Conversations to find out the overall needs of youth and their communities Community Events to help keep youth connected to their communities and promote belonging and membership
Conversation question #2: How do you know when it’s time to change strategies? What’s a strategy we should leave behind? Check the chat box for a link!
How do you know when it’s time to change strategies? Check the chat box for a link! How do you know when it’s time to change strategies?
Audience Questions
Questions? Comments? Attendees are in listen-only mode. If you have a question or a technical issue, use the chat box at the lower-right of your screen to chat with the “Host.” You may also email questions to whatworksinyouthhiv@jsi.com after the webinar.
National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) is on April 10, 2018. NYHAAD was established to educate individuals about the impact of HIV/AIDS on youth and highlight the work of young people in the U.S. to strengthen the fight against HIV/AIDS. Use the hashtag #NYHAAD on social media to learn how others are observing the day and to share your own plans.
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