What Christ Thinks of the Church – Part 3 (Revelation 2:18-3:6) What Christ Thinks of the Church – Part 3
WELCOME & NOTICES Comfort Notices Church Notices Group Notices Toilets Refreshments Times Church Notices This month Next Month Group Notices This month Next Month
TESTIMONY TIME Specific Answers to Prayer What was prayed for last time, Any thing that has cropped up for you, Progress with 5’s, Local Community, Mission & International News…
COURSE CONTENT PART 1 of 3 Pulling Back The Curtain What does Jesus Look Like What Christ Thinks of the Church Part 1 What Christ Thinks of the Church Part 2 What Christ Thinks of the Church Part 3 What Christ Thinks of the Church Part 4 Casting Crowns The Lion & the Lamb The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Heavenly & Earthly Responses Who is Able to Stand
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THYATIRA GROUP DISCUSSION TOPIC INFORMATION THYATIRA Son of God REVELATION 2:18-29 TOPIC INFORMATION CHURCH THYATIRA SPEAKER Son of God COMMENDATION Love, faith, service and perseverance, doing more now that at the start COMPLAINT Tolerate Jezebel: Sexual Immorality & food offered to idols COMMAND Hold on to what you have until I come COMFORT Authority over the nations & give the Morning Star 1. What kind of things do we turn a “blind eye” to in the Church, and why? 2. What kind of things do we turn a “blind eye” to in our lives, and why? 3. What more can we do to change this Status Quo?
SARDIS GROUP DISCUSSION TOPIC INFORMATION SARDIS REVELATION 3:1-6 TOPIC INFORMATION CHURCH SARDIS SPEAKER Him who holds the 7 Spirits of God & the 7 Stars. COMMENDATION Reputation of being Alive. COMPLAINT Deeds unfinished in the sight of God. COMMAND Hold fast to what was received and heard COMFORT Dressed in White Name in the Book of Life Acknowledged before the Father and the Angels 1. How do know if our church is alive, or dead? 2. What does it mean to “Hold fast to what we have received and heard”? 3. Is there anything more we can do to ensure we are?
Ephesians 6:18 “18 Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere..” NLT LET’S PRAY Specific situations Prayer 5’s Local Situations International News James 5:13 “13 Are any of you suffering hardships? You should pray. Are any of you happy? You should sing praises...”