Taiwan Wastewater Management and Cleaner Technology for PWB Industry Jane Tran Orange County Sanitation District
Taiwan Industrial Park Water Pollution Control Act 95 industrial parks 8,000 industries 41 industrial parks have their own treatment plants (POTWs), treatment capacity = 100.3 MGD
Taiwan Industrial Park NPDES permits applying to all industrial parks and industries with direct discharges (maximum discharge limits only) Rely on self-monitoring for compliance monitoring Currently no pretreatment controls between POTWs and IUs
Kuan-Yin Wastewater Treatment Plant Complete primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment processes Total capacity: 8.2 MGD Industrial profile: food (1%), chemical (34%), dyeing (33%), plastic (2%), metal processing (8%), electroplating (7.5%), steel mills (2%), machinery (5.5%), paper mills (2%), others (5.5%)
Kuan-Yin Wastewater Treatment Pilot Plant Operator training Perform and evaluate feasibility study Research and development Apply practical and field experience for students and operators
Kuan-Yin Wastewater Treatment Pilot Plant Biological treatment system: activated sludge and contact oxidation Chemical treatment system: cyanide destruction, chromium reduction, hydroxide precipitation, flocculation, clarification, filter-press, O&G separation Advanced treatment system: sand filter, carbon adsorption, ion-exchange, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, disinfection
Compeq Locations: China, Taiwan, Singapore, USA Up to 16 layers PWB mass production 1.9 million SQFT/month
Compeq Heavy metal streams (400 gpm): chemical precipitation, ion-exchange, electrolytic recovery (500 lbs Cu/day), RO Organic streams: biological treatment system, electrolytic Fenton system All systems are locally made with a team of 8 engineers ISO-14001 Environmental Management System
Compeq Spill containment problems: overflow and leaks Water reduction and reuse opportunity Waste segregation needs No run-off or storm water control Pollution prevention opportunity
Nan Ya Up to 10 layers mass production Mining their own copper for substrates, inner layers, and ground planes All manufacturing processes are automatic Financial data: capital = $1.01B; assets = $4.07B; revenue = $3.29B; net income = $0.31B
Nan Ya Industrial treatment systems: chemical precipitation, hydrogen peroxide/ferrous sulfate oxidation, and incineration technologies Biological treatment systems: primary, secondary, and tertiary Power generation plant
Nan Ya Lodging accommodations (3 large apartment complexes on site) Medical facilities, supermarkets, bakery Movie theater, full scale dining facilities Sport facilities Recycling program with profits directly benefiting the employees
Design for the Environment (DfE) - PWB Project U.S. EPA Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (IPC) and its member companies University of Tennessee’s Center for Clean Products and Clean Technologies Other interest parties: academic, research, public interest representatives
DfE - PWB Project “Direct metallization” technologies without the use of the electroless copper solutions Alternatives to hot air solder leveling process that do not use lead Cleaner surface finishing technologies: organic solder protectorates, immersion Pd, immersion Ag, immersion Sn, electroless Ni/immersion Au, electroless Ni/electroless Pd/ immersion Au
Making Hole Conductive Cleaner Technology Carbon Conductive Polymer Graphite Non-Formaldehyde Electroless Copper Organic-Palladium Tin-Palladium Publication: PWB Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Making Holes Conductive, Vol. 1&2; EPA 744-R-97-002a and 002b; August 1997
DfE Information Products Cleaner technologies substitutes analysis: making holes conductive Implementing cleaner technologies in the PWB industry: making holes conductive PWB industry and use cluster profile PWB pollution prevention and control: survey results analysis Pollution prevention case studies and project fact sheets Federal regulations affecting the electronics industry
To Obtain Information or Publications for the DfE - PWB Project Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M Street, SW (7409) Washington, DC 20460 Tel: 202-260-1023 Fax: 202-260-4659 Email: ppic@epamail.epa.gov DfE: www.epa.gov/dfe IPC: www.ipc.org/html/ehstypes.htm#design