Cobb County School District Georgia Performance Standards Mathematics Program 2011-2012 The purpose of this brief presentation is to help inform our parents of a math course adjustment for the 2011-2012 school year, to show the progression of math course sequences for our on-level students and our accelerated students, as well as reveal the 4th math course options that will sustain through the implementation of Common Core GPS standards beginning the 2012-2013 school year.
Math I = GPS Algebra Math II = GPS Geometry Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Created by Michelle Mikes & Joe Crawford Cobb County Schools Math I = GPS Algebra Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 The Chance of Winning Algebra Investigations Function Families Algebra in Context Quadratics and Complex Numbers Putting the Pieces Together 6 Weeks 5 Weeks 7 Weeks 6 Weeks 6 Weeks 4 Weeks MM2A1a,b,c MM2D2a,b,c,d Math II = GPS Geometry In April, our Georgia State School Board gave local districts the option to teaching the Georgia Performance Standards through an integrated delivery or change the order of the standards to reflect a delivery that is more traditional by offering a course for on-level freshman that concentrates on Algebra topics and then sequentially an on-level sophomore course that concentrates on Geometry topics. Statistics will still be integrated in both courses. The Cobb County School District has chosen for our incoming freshman for the 2011-2012 school year to be enrolled in GPS Algebra in lieu of Mathematics I and to continue with GPS Geometry in their sophomore year in lieu of Mathematics II. In their junior year, they will take GPS Advanced Algebra which is the exact same standards as Mathematics III. Essentially, the standards and rigor is not changing, only the order in which the standards are taught. The units outlined in yellow will be switched between Math I and Math II to create the new courses called GPS Algebra and GPS Geometry. Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Geometry Gallery Coordinate Geometry Statistics Right Triangle Trigonometry Circles and Spheres Exponential, and Inverses 7 Weeks 4 Weeks 5 Weeks 4 Weeks 6 Weeks 6 Weeks MM2A2a,b,c, d,e,f,g MM2A5a,b,c,d
Math III=GPS Advanced Algebra Mathematics III will be called GPS Advanced Algebra for our incoming freshmen. The 2 course names contain the same content and units.
High School Math Transition: On-level Pathways 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade 2010-11 Math 8 Math I Math II Math III 2011-12 GPS Algebra GPS 4th YR 2012-13 CCGPS Math 8 CCGPS Course A GPS Geometry 2013-14 CCGPS Course B GPS Adv Algebra 2014-15 CCGPS Course C 2015-16 CCGPS 4th YR The chart in view shows the pathway of courses for students in a diagonal fashion for students that will continue in on-level mathematics courses. Our current 9th graders that are successful in Math I will continue with Math II in 10th grade. Our current 10th graders will continue on with Math III. Our current 11th graders will continue on to a 4th year option GPS course. Our current 8th graders will enter as freshmen in the GPS Algebra course (in green) and continue to follow the pathway to GPS Geometry, GPS Adv. Algebra and a 4th year math option. There will be support classes for these courses, but they will count as math electives for incoming freshmen. Current high school students will be able to count these courses as core math courses. The boxes highlighted in yellow represent the shift to Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. During the 2012-2013 school year, grades K-9 will implement the CCGPS which will essentially mirror our GPS. The courses will be very similar to what we offer now. If a student has completed a high school mathematics course under the GPS curriculum, then they will continue with GPS courses until they graduate.
High School Math Transition: Accelerated Pathways 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade 2010-11 GPS Accelerated Math I Math II Math III AP Calculus 2011-12 GPS Accelerated Math II MV 2012-13 CCGPS Accelerated Course A 2013-14 CCGPS Accelerated Course A CCGPS Accelerated Course B 2014-15 CCGPS Pre-Calculus 2015-16 For our students that accelerate in middle school, they will continue with their acceleration under GPS for 8th graders attending up to the school year of 2011-2012. These students will continue with GPS courses until they graduate. Beginning in 2012-2013, our 8th graders that are accelerated will continue to accelerate under the Common Core GPS. During 2012-2013, students that accelerated in 6th and 7th grade will continue with an accelerated course in 8th grade similar to Accelerated Math I, but it will be under the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. The end goal in high school is for these students to complete Multivariable Calculus.
High School Math Transition: On-level 8th to Accelerated 9th 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade 2010-11 Math 8 Accelerated Math I Math II Math III 2011-12 AP Calculus 2012-13 CCGPS CCGPS Accelerated Course A 2013-14 CCGPS Accelerated Course B Accelerated Math III 2014-15 CCGPS Accelerated Course A Pre-Calculus 2015-16 For students that accelerate as freshmen in high school during the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 school year will continue on the accelerated pathway under the GPS and conclude with AP Calculus. During the 2012-2013 school year, students that accelerate as freshman will have CCGPS accelerated courses that will conclude with AP Calculus.
Mathematics Sequence Options Diploma Options for Students Who Enter HS in 2011-2012 Diploma Options for Students Who Entered HS in 2010-2011 2009-2010 2008-2009 Math I–III + 4th Math OR GPS Alg, GPS Geo, GPS Adv Alg + 4th Math Math I, Math II, Math Support III, Math III Math Support III, GPS Adv Alg Math I – II + 2 additional core mathematics credits GPS Alg + GPS Geo + 2 additional core mathematics credits Math I – II + 2 additional core mathematics credits Math I–III + 4th Math For students that entered high school as freshmen during the 2008-2009, 2009-2010, or 2010-2011 school years, have the same graduation requirements: successfully complete Math I and Math II (or their equivalence) and 2 additional core math credits. These students may use their math support courses as core requirements. For college entrance, it is highly suggested that students complete Math I-III and take a 4th math course. Students have to earn 4 credits of math for graduation. Students that enter as freshmen during the 2011-2012 school year will be required to complete GPS Algebra, GPS Geometry, GPS Advanced Algebra and a 4th math course. Math Support courses will not count as core credits for these students. NOTE: Support courses will be available for struggling students for both delivery systems. 9/21/2018
CCGPS Fourth Mathematics Course Options AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC AP Statistics Mathematics IV or GPS Pre-Calculus Advanced Mathematical Decision Making Mathematics of Industry & Government Mathematics of Finance (4-yr. colleges not accepting for entrance) Multivariable Calculus Math Support III (only for entering freshman during 2008-2009, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years) 4th math course options for the Cobb County School District 9/21/2018
Questions? Please contact: The Cobb County Math Department 770-426-3460