DTMS Student council 2017-2018 Sponsor: Mrs. M. Ramirez Room C130
Student council promotes community service and relationships on campus and among the community. We participate in community fundraising and awareness activities. We help organize community fundraisers like the Thanksgiving canned food drive, Christmas gift drive, and the Valentine's stuffed animal drive for the senior citizens in our community.
Offices *President Vice-President Secretary Treasurer Parliamentarian Historian *Only eligible to 8th grade student
Roles & Duties of the offices President Only eligible to 8th grade Presides over student council meetings Represents student council at assemblies Vice Presidents Coordinate meetings Represent student council around campus Secretaries Keep council files in order Treasurers Keep council finance records in order Parliamentarians Keep order in council meetings Historians Photograph student council events
Qualifications 1. The student must attend Domingo Trevino Middle School. 2. The student should behave as a role model on campus and in the community. 3. The student must have and maintain an "85“ average with no semester grade lower than an "85." 3. The student must not have any referrals the previous year. 4. The student must be approved by the faculty and administration.
Campaigning & Elections Campaigning will begin after applications have been approved. Promotional materials will be provided and are to be displayed around campus prior to elections. Students running for office need to be prepared to promote themselves in print and at speaking events. Elections will be held online with campus technology on November 2, 2017.