Foundations of Interprofessional Collaboration (FIPC): An Introduction to TeamSTEPPS® LEVEL 3 Focusing on Teamwork in the Clinical Environment Helping You Help Your Patients!
Teamwork Is All Around Us Interprofessional Collaboration Takes: Shared values and ethics for collaboration Understanding and respect for the roles and responsibilities of all team members Excellent communication skills Enhanced teamwork skills Reviews the IPEC competencies that the FIPC program is trying to achieve with the learners.
TeamSTEPPS® Key Principles Team Structure Identification of the components of a multi-team system that must work together effectively to ensure patient safety Leadership Ability to maximize the activities of team members by ensuring that team actions are understood, changes in information are shared, and team members have the necessary resources Situation Monitoring Process of actively scanning and assessing situational elements to gain information or understanding, or to maintain awareness to support team functioning Mutual Support Ability to anticipate and support team members’ needs through accurate knowledge about their responsibilities and workload Review ofTeamSTEPPS program, key principles, and how this is foundational to function of interprofessional teams. Communication Structured process by which information is clearly and accurately exchanged among team members
Recipe for a High-Functioning Interprofessional Teamwork Key Ingredients Team Structure and Process Huddle Leadership and Followership All Voices Role and Task Delegation Communication Skills Closed-loop SBAR Team Dynamics Psychological Safety Open and inclusive
The Huddle Huddles are quick team meetings to review patient information and decide on a plan of care approach. A huddle helps the team be on the same page and adjust the plan based on changes. The second is called a huddle.
When to Huddle Patient status changes Team members change 1. At the beginning of a patient encounter. 2. During a patient encounter when.. Patient status changes Team members change Treatment is not working or additional needs In the first video. You will see that Dr. Waxman communicated and directed roles to specific people on the team. In the second video, Dr. Waxman conferred with each team member and asked for their input and then confirmed their next steps.
The Huddle Call the huddle Identify a leader Summarize the situation Get input from team members Create a plan and confirm with the team Delegate roles and tasks using closed-looped communication What is a huddle. A quick team meeting
How long and how often should we Huddle? Timing will vary Patient Unstable (10-30 seconds) Patient Critical but Stable (1-2 minutes) Patient Stable (3-5 minutes) Multiple Patient Huddles (10-20 minutes) Typically think about huddling at least twice
Leadership and Followership Teams need leadership Team leaders set the tone and impact dynamics of the team Critical for helping to facilitate teams and delegate tasks Teams need followership Engaged and empowered followers Speak up and support team function Situational leadership
Communication Skills Open environment where all voices are heard! TeamSTEPPS® Communication Tools Closed-loop communication Call-outs and Check-backs
Features of Effective Closed Loop Communication Be specific about WHO you are speaking to. Use names, eye contact or point. Be specific about WHAT you want them to do. Request acknowledgement and notification when task is complete (CHECK-BACK).
What does Closed Loop Communication look like during role assignment? Dr Jones, we’re ready to push 1 mg of Epi when you are. Roger, I’ll let you know when the Epi is ready to push. Erin, will you check the IV, pull up 1 mg of Epinephrine and let me know when you are ready to give? Demonstrate
Team Dynamics There is a major relational factor that impacts teamwork! Emerging evidence suggests that the highest-functioning teams establish Psychological Safety for everyone on the team Aware of potential hierarchy Mutual respect Open environment Actively encourage and include all voices Non-threatening and no disruptive behavior
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