SQL Server on your fingertips Slava Murygin SQL Server on your fingertips
Slava Murygin: @SlavaSQL SlavaSQL.BLOGSPOT.com Independent SQL Server Consultant in Baltimore – Washington DC Metro Area. Amateur Astronomer Amateur Photographer. @SlavaSQL SlavaSQL.BLOGSPOT.com
Advanced Level Indexing Transactions Connections Fragmentation Locking/Blocking Plan Cache, Statistics Database and file settings
#SQLFamily #SQLHelp Paul Randal Erin Stellato Glenn Berry Brent Ozar Aaron Bertrand Kendra Little Itzik Ben-Gan Kalen Delaney Kimberly Tripp Glenn Berry Adam Machanic Erin Stellato Benjamin Nevarez Gail Shaw
9 Sets of scripts for SSMS Ctrl+1 – sp_Who Ctrl+2 – sp_Lock Alt+F1 – sp_Help Ctrl+F1 Ctrl+3–0 Are Free!!!!
To set them Up: Alt-T + O Environment -> Keyboard -> Query Shortcuts
What we can do with that? Not only Stored Procedures – Any query !!! Limitations: Shortcut query’s maximum length is 32Kb; Query can’t have “Carriage return” symbol (ASCII:0x0D); SSMS does not support Export/Import of Query Shortcuts;
Demo: Immediate Performance Troubleshooting Ctrl - 3 Ctrl - 6
Demo: Fallow up Performance Troubleshooting Ctrl - 8
Demo: Administration Ctrl – 4,5,7,9,0,F1
Brief list of functionalitiess Ctrl+F1 – Tables; Ctrl+3 – Locks; Ctrl+4 – Indexes; Ctrl+5 – Databases, AGs, Disks, Logins; Ctrl+6 – Running tasks/transactions, Errorlog, Waits, System Information, Configuration; Ctrl+7 – Connections, Network, Jobs/History; Ctrl+8 – Plan Cache Ctrl+9 – Statistics Ctrl+0 – Database objects
Content Only Thank YOU Very Much
Slava Murygin @SlavaSQL SlavaSQL.BLOGSPOT.com Linkedin: Slava Murygin SQL Server on your fingertips. @SlavaSQL SlavaSQL.BLOGSPOT.com Linkedin: Slava Murygin SVMurygin@gmail.com