Aphredoderidae (pirateperch) Large head, mouth Mouth epiterminal Dorsal, anal fins with spines Vertical stripe below eye Anus anterior to usual position (often jugular) Noel Burkhead pirateperch (Aphredoderus sayanus))
Aphredoderidae Family consists of 1 species Inhabits slow waters Preys on invertebrates Possibly occurs near or in IA section of Mississippi River Noel Burkhead pirateperch (Aphredoderus sayanus))
Gadidae (cods) Long body Single barbel under lower jaw Long dorsal fin; soft rays Small pelvic fins located near pectoral fins Cycloid scales Manitoba Conservation Department burbot (Lota lota))
Gadidae 1 species in IA Inhabits deep waters of Mississippi, Missouri rivers Edible, but “threatened” in IA; too rare to be commercially important Manitoba Conservation Department burbot (Lota lota))
Fundulidae (topminnows, killifishes) Small body Epiterminal mouth Fins consist of soft rays Dorsal fin near posterior end of body Caudal fin homocercal, unforked 3rd anal ray branched, umcompletely so in immatures http://www.nativefish.org blackstripe topminnow (Fundulus notatus))
Fundulidae Uncommon in IA Adapted for surface feeding on invertebrates Eddy and Underhill (1978) Uncommon in IA Adapted for surface feeding on invertebrates
Poeciliidae (livebearers) Small body Epiterminal mouth Fins consist of only soft rays Dorsal fin near posterior end of body Caudal fin homocercal, unforked 3rd anal ray unbranched Male anal fin modified into gonadopodium http://nix.freenet.uz/sci/fkey/gambusia.html mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis))
Poeciliidae Surface feed on invertebrates Live young 1 species in extreme southeast IA? Eddy and Underhill (1978)
Atherinidae (silversides) Small, slender body Translucent Epiterminal mouth; long, flat snout Divided dorsal fin; spines (anterior), soft rays (posterior) Homocercal, forked caudal fin http://www.blackwarriorriver.org brook silverside (Labidesthes sicculus))
Atherinidae Surface feeders; swim near water surface Brook silverside found in variety of rivers, streams Atherinidae New York State Department of Environmental Conservation brook silverside (Labidesthes sicculus))