Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO)
(new notes, title = “DHMO”) Take out a new sheet of binder paper, label it with its name/date/per/title Update table of contents Warm-up: (Answer these on your DHMO notes) Why is it important to have evidence to support your claims? Why is it important to know about the chemicals you are exposed to? 5 minutes End
What is DHMO? Read the first paragraph, and write down all of the words you don’t know. Share with your group, and choose 1 word your group wants Mr. Warren to explain Have your group send 1 person to write it on the board 5 minutes End
What is DHMO? Summarize in 1-2 sentences (your own words) what DHMO is. Be “concise” (the most information in the fewest words) 2 minutes End
Should we ban DHMO? A – Yes! B – No! C – I need more information D – I have a different suggestion
What do we need to know about DHMO? Write down as many questions as you can that will help you decide whether or not to ban DHMO. Choose one question for your group to put up on the board, and send one student up to do so. 5 minutes End
Find EVIDENCE from the reading Read the handout take notes on whatever seems important and relevant to you. Include the following: (Copy in quotation marks) How is it harmful? (write at least 3) What is DHMO used for? (write at least 3) How are we exposed to DHMO? (write at least 3) Also… What new words are you unfamiliar with? What new questions do you have?
Should we ban DHMO? A – Yes! B – No! C – I need more information D – I have a different suggestion Write down your position and explain. (First person to finish in your group: collect and return handouts, dry erase markers, and multiple choice cards)
Practicing Evidence Based Writing CLAIM DHMO is dangerous, and we should be concerned about it. EVIDENCE 1 Quote from dhmo.org handout REASONING 1 Explain how EVIDENCE 1 shows that DHMO is dangerous or why we should be concerned EVIDENCE 2 REASONING 2 EVIDENCE 3 REASONING 3 CONCLUSION What should we do, now that we know this? Practicing Evidence Based Writing For the purposes of this writing practice, please use this claim, even if you don’t Agree with it. Only use evidence from the front of the handout Note: evidence = concrete detail, and reasoning = commentary
Should we ban DHMO? A – Yes! B – No! C – I need more information D – I have a different suggestion
What is the chemical formula for Dihydrogen Monoxide? (Add to your DHMO notes) What is the chemical formula for Dihydrogen Monoxide? Hint: Carbon Dioxide = CO2 Di = 2 Carbon Monoxide = CO Mono = 1
Penn and Teller: Petition to ban water DHMO is Water. Reflection Questions: What did you think about dihydrogen monoxide throughout the lesson? How did your opinions change as we learned more about it? Explain! ***If you found out that DHMO is water before it was revealed in the lesson, explain when and how you found out (middle school? another 9th grader? an older student that learned about it in the past? etc.) How did you feel once you found out, and why? Explain! Penn and Teller: Petition to ban water https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi3erdgVVTw
CLAIM DHMO is dangerous, and we should be concerned about it. We shouldn’t worry about the dangers of water in daily life. EVIDENCE 1 Quote from dhmo.org handouts use same evidence for both sides REASONING 1 Explain how EVIDENCE 1 shows that DHMO is dangerous or why we should be concerned Explain why EVIDENCE 1 shouldn’t be a concern in daily life. EVIDENCE 2 REASONING 2 EVIDENCE 3 REASONING 3 Concluding Statement What should we do, now that we know this? What should we do (or not do), now that we know this? Use the same evidence (left half) to support the opposite claim (right half) Why is it important to explain how your reasoning supports the claim? (ie: Why can’t you just provide evidence without an explanation?)
The Food Babe Eating Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7MrIZYLYtk You Won't Believe Where Silly Putty Is Hiding In Your Food! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdIxeFrxblk Do You Eat Beaver Butt? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nweK6VRM8a8 Subway Will Remove Yoga Mat Chemical From Bread https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QF3zQbebXA
4. What did you learn? Why do you think Mr. Warren wanted you to go through this experience? Why is it important for everyone to understand how to think like a scientist?