The Charter of Rights and Freedoms & Law Making How does the Charter of Rights and Freedoms affect Law Making in Canada
Charter of Rights & Freedoms on Laws To what degree should the Charter of Rights and Freedoms affect Law Making in Canada? At what points is restricting Rights and Freedoms of individuals in the best interest of Canadians? How should the Charter affect Provincial Law Making?
Banning Junk Food – p. 109 Read p. 109 on Banning Junk Food Ads and complete a chart in your notes similar to the one provided at the bottom of the page (connect to big ideas #1) In your opinion should the government ban junk food advertising aimed at children? Why or why not? How do you think your rights or freedoms could be impacted by a ban on Junk advertisement?
Charter of Rights and Freedoms on Federal Law Making
Restrictions on Flying – p. 107 & 108 Why might people disagree with the No Fly list? Why might people support it? Look at the cartoon on p. 108 – what is it referencing? How does the artist feel about the “No Fly List” and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Understanding Bill C-51 terrorism-bill-is-now-law-so-what-changes-1.3108608
Update on No Fly List (2015) canadas-no-fly-list-to-get-major-overhaul-as-part- of-anti-terror-law/
Charter of Rights and Freedoms on Provincial Law Making
Quebec Charter of Values & The Religious Symbols Ban In 2013 Quebec Premier Pauline Marois proposed a Quebec “Charter of Values” that would ban religious symbols for Public Employees (people who work for the province)
Quebec Charter of Values & The Religious Symbols Ban – Begs a Provincial Question To what degree should provinces be allowed to impose their own Charters of Rights and Freedoms (or Values)? Should all provinces be held accountable to the Federal Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Source Analysis You will have two classes to complete a written source Analysis – analyzing two political cartoons addressing these two issues discussed in class