Additional TRILL Work/Documents


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Presentation transcript:

Additional TRILL Work/Documents July 2007 Additional TRILL Work/Documents Donald Eastlake 3rd +1-508-786-7754 July 2007 Base Protocol Future TRILL Base Protocol Future

Additional TRILL Work/Documents In TRILL Working Group Management (MIB) TRILL Header Options ARP/ND/IP/… Optimization Customer versus Service Rbridges / 802.1ad Connectivity Fault Management (802.1ag) Congestion Management (802.1au) In the IS-IS Working Group TRILL LTVs, etc. July 2007 Base Protocol Future

Questions on These Work Items Is the item important to work on? How soon should it be done? Does it just require a “profiling” for RBridges or does it require changes/additions in the RBridge protocol? Who would like to work on it? July 2007 Base Protocol Future

Management (MIB) Three possible components: Bridge MIB stuff (tweaked citation to RFC 4188, e.g., STP per port, not per RBridge) IS-IS MIB stuff (should be in IS-IS WG document? mostly as citation to RFC 4444) RBridge stuff Nickname configuration End station address learning priorities … July 2007 Base Protocol Future

TRILL Header Options Document to specify the general format and processing for options and some specific options: Port IDs (local port IDs so no egress RBridge DA lookup is needed if learned from data) Flow ID TRILL data frame security (based on IS-IS keys) Optimizations Etc. July 2007 Base Protocol Future

IP Related Optimizations ARP/ND optimization was included in the paper cited in our Charter and in early protocol drafts. Removed from base protocol specification by WG consensus, to be placed in a separate document. Included learning IP addresses and sometimes responding to ARP/ND. July 2007 Base Protocol Future

Customer/Service RBridges IEEE 802.1ad-2005 “Provider Bridges” is a completed amendment to 802.1Q. (not to be confused with the in process 802.1ah “Provider Backbone Bridges” amendment) Provider Bridges talk to each other using outer S-Tags and are transparent to some bridging multicast addresses. “Provider Edge Bridges” talk C-Tags (formerly called Q-Tags) on customer ports and S-Tags on provider ports. Should it be possible to configure Rbridges as Provider or Provider Edge Bridges? July 2007 Base Protocol Future

Connectivity Fault Management 802.1ag current at Draft D8.0: ~‘Specifies protocols to support transport fault management. These allow discovery and verification of the path, through bridges and LANs, taken for frames and isolation of a connectivity fault to a specific bridge or LAN. Networks are operated by multiple organizations, with restricted management access to each other's equipment. This standard provides capabilities for detecting, verifying and isolating connectivity failures in such networks.’~ Does anything need to be done to Rbridges to support 802.1ag? July 2007 Base Protocol Future

Congestion Management (802.1au) Layer 2 method to rate limit flows causing congestion. Has been progressing slowing in 802.1 but an update from Draft D0.1 to Draft D0.2 was authorized last week. Some changes to Rbridges beyond those required in 802.1 Bridges would be required to support 802.1au. For example, a congestion control message in response to a TRILL data frame should get back to the true origin station, not just the ingress RBridge. July 2007 Base Protocol Future