Tenant Access Portal Trainer: Krissy Gray
Agenda What is the Tenant Access Portal? Lets go look at the portal! How does it work? What information is available? Is it secure? How do I get the portal? The Implementation Process What else is there to expect? Lets go look at the portal! Types of Parameters to Review: Simple (basic string, numeric, Boolean, etc) Static list parameter (options) Ticklers How to add a tickler to a document How to track sending/receiving of tickler documents Calculated Fields Overview of formulas and options Simple (basic “Iif” or math formula)
What is the Tenant Portal? The Tenant Access Portal is an online web portal that tenants can log into 24/7* to view their real time data It is optimized for mobile and desktop web browsing Customizable and easy to use Information flows directly between 2+ and the portal Downtime is to be expected during updates and maintenance**
How does it work? There are 3 parts to the tenant portal 2+ Database Authentication site Housing Authority Portal page Accessible by tenant devices Your database Authentication site Tenant Devices
What information is available? Waiting List Household Certification Tenant Accounts Receivable Community Service Inspections Work Orders
Is it secure? Tenant Access Portal is highly secure 256 bit AES encryption Tenmast Servers You, Tenants, Staff
How do we get the portal? In order to access the portal you will need to discuss purchasing options with your account manager! We are currently in the process of rolling the portal out to several housing authorities.
Implementation Process Sales Demo / Account Manager Inquiry Discuss purchasing the portal Participate in a demo from a sales representative Sign and Return the Quote Discovery and Demo Work with a project lead to discuss options Discuss customization options Configuration** Project lead will setup the portal according to your selections Configuration changes may require multiple testing/configuration loops
Implementation Process Testing Phase Test the portal (pointed to the training database) Sign off on configuration and testing Go Live Planning Discuss Go Live dates, roll out options, and phases Tenant Notification Print letters, email tenants, post notice on your website, and/or publically announce your portal Go Live*** The portal is live! Tenants are able to log in/register Go live of Phase 1 – a multi-phase implementation is suggested***
What else is there to expect? A few features are already scheduled to be released soon Online Payments Document Upload Many future features are being discussed. Ideas being researched are: Online certification functionality Integration of all Partner Access portals Online Application, Landlord Access, Employee Access, etc.
Lets go look at the portal!