Euromedim proposal (Applying HEP methods in medical imaging) Developments, R&D Euromedim proposal (Applying HEP methods in medical imaging) 1st proposal (~18 M€), submitted to Bruxelles in March ’03. Integrated Project. Passed thresholds, but was not funded due to budget constraints. 2nd proposal (~8 M€), submitted in Nov ’03. Reduced and better focused work program. ‘Network of Excellence’. Expect some news within next weeks. Surprising for many of us: In the case of an Euromedim approval, CERN (more precisely: the old CERN management) has committed itself to a long term support and investment in the field of medical imaging.
Developments, R&D ATLAS Absolute Luminosity Experiment – a possible project for TA1-SD in 2004 ? up to now: simulations participation in writing LoI very first photodetector tests
Hybrid Photon Detectors Developments, R&D Hybrid Photon Detectors First proto HPF for medical imaging Development of a ceramic 5-in HPD (together with industry) First 10-in. tube (world largest HPD)
A possible project for 2004: (proposed by us and currently under discussion) A common project (all LHC experiments) on radiation monitoring in the LHC detectors. Goal: Develop and construct standardized online dosimeters for the monitoring of instantaneous and integrated dose levels. Proposed technology: Combine RadFET, OSL and Si-diodes with their associated rad hard readout circuits on a small PCB. Strong interest by ATLAS and ALICE, interest by LHCb, hessiatation by CMS. ST/LEA would support the project. Machine is also interested.