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Canada 5 Themes of Geography
Movement People: In Canada, people are constantly moving. They come in and leave. Some people immigrate to Canada to get away from wars, give birth to babies, come for love, education and economics. Some just want a better lifestyle. Some people come for vacation and reasons like that. Goods: Canada imports and exports all sorts of goods. Vancouver is constantly receiving and sending goods to other parts of the world such as China. They export wood, fruits, vegetables, machines, some minerals and fish! Ideas: People are constantly communicating ideas and thoughts among each other. We text, email, call, talk and many more! It is good that we do communicate ideas with other people from around the world too.
Region Formal: Canada is divided up into 10 provinces and 3 territories. The provinces include Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward's Island, Newfoundland and Labrador, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia. The territories include the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Functional: Some Functional regions include big cities such as Toronto, Quebec, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Vancouver and Montreal. These are counted as Functional Regions because they have standards of communication patterns, transportation routes and television broadcasts, ex... Vernacular: Canada is divided into seven different regions; Atlantic provinces, the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, the Canadian Shield, the Interior Plains, the Western Cordillera, the Northwest Territories and the Arctic Archipelago. The Atlantic provinces are New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador. The Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Lowlands provinces include Quebec and Ontario, the Canadian Shield covers Ontario and Manitoba. The Interior Plains include the Northwest Territories, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta. The provinces in the Western Cordillera are British Columbia, the Yukon and a part of Alberta. Lastly the Arctic Archipelago runs up north from Banks Island to Greenland.
Human- Environment Interaction Depend: Canada depends on its resources to survive. They need the trees for air, the animals and land for food and farms that produce food, plants for medicine, and our fresh water supply for healthy drinking water. Adapt: In Canada, people have adapted by having multiple pairs of clothes, sweating or shivering when in colder or hotter climates, and using wood in houses instead of brick because of earthquakes. Change: They have changed their environment by creating farms on land, fishing, mining, using our resources and pollution.
Location Absolute Location: The absolute location for Canada is approximately 62° N, 105° W. Relative Location: Canada is in the North Western hemisphere. It is above the US and in between the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic oceans. It is in North America.
Place Physical Characteristics: The physical characteristics is its land and climate. Canada normally has a cooler climate and a variety of different terrains. They are plains, basins, mountains, valleys, grasslands, wetlands, tundra and Canadian Shield. We also have a variety of flora and fauna, lakes, rivers and oceans surrounding it. Human Characteristics: Canada's human characteristics include our religion (mainly catholic), traditional foods, such as poutine and fast food. We mainly speak English but some parts of Canada speak French. We have lots of big cities, bridges and anything man-made.
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