Featuring: Kristen Rodgers, CommUnityCare Street Medicine Team Austin/Travis County HMIS Project Type Specific Training Street Outreach Featuring: Kristen Rodgers, CommUnityCare Street Medicine Team Released: 4/4/18
Street Outreach in HMIS History of Street Outreach Programs in HMIS Within the last year, many Street Outreach teams in Austin have started participating in HMIS. Locally, we are excited about their participation in HMIS for several reasons. Being able to document the historical story from beginning to end of a client’s rehousing experience is powerful for both the client and the programs to better meet their needs. Street Outreach programs often bridge the gap between programs for people who are experiencing homelessness.
Street Outreach Workflow in HMIS Street Outreach programs are not required to collect as much information about their clients at project entry as are other project types. This makes the data entry requirements for Street Outreach programs unique. Project Start Date matches first Outreach Contact Date in HMIS A Contact is an interaction between a Street Outreach worker and an individual who is in need of services or referral. Can be brief and occur in all different settings. As many contacts as needed can be collected/documented prior to Engagement. The only fields that have to be collected at Project Start Date (depending on the Client) are: Name (or Alias) Project Entry Date Client Location Relationship to HoH
Street Outreach Workflow in HMIS Engagement is defined as the date on which an interactive client relationship results in a deliberate client assessment or beginning of a case plan. Engagement is a one-time event Some interactions with a client may result in a positive outcome (such as assisting a client access a shelter bed) without a deliberate client assessment or the beginning of a case plan, those interactions are not considered to be an engagement. Engagement is documented as an Interim Update in HMIS. When ROI is signed the client is considered Engaged. All Universal Data Elements (UDEs) and Program Specific Data Elements (PSDEs) are filled in and/or checked (if historical data exists) in HMIS at this time.
Meet CommUnityCare’s Rock Star Case Manager: Kristen Rodgers Kristen Rodgers started with CommUnityCare in December 2016 as a Case Manager at the ARCH Clinic. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Kristen works with clients to improve access to medical care, which includes navigating referrals to specialists, obtaining medication, and finding transportation. She also addresses social factors that affect health, such as access to food and shelter. She started entering data into HMIS in June of 2017. Her and her team have done a stellar job of blazing the trail for other Street Outreach programs.
CommUnityCare Case Study Non-Cash: Yes, SNAP-$95 Monthly Health Insurance: Yes, Medicaid Disabilities: Yes (Per Coordinated Assessment Entry in 2017)* Mental Health Chronic Health Condition Physical Disability DV Info: No DV History Housing Move-In Date: None ROI on File: Yes, CA Entry in 2017 * Collected by the ECHO Coordinated Assessment Program in a previous entry in HMIS. Name: James Strong (SPID: 134- Training Site) This is a fake client with fake data. DOB: 1/12/1968 Race: White Ethnicity: Non-Hispanic Gender: Male Disabling Condition: Yes Relationship to HoH: Self Client Location: TX 503- Austin/Travis Co Residence Prior to Proj. Entry: Emergency Shelter* Length of Stay: 1 month or more but less than 90 days* Approx date started: 1/1/17* How many times in past 3 yrs: 2* Total number of months: 2* Monthly Income: $735, SSI
YouTube Training Video Links Watch Part 1: First Contact with Client Watch Part 2: Second Contact with Client (Non-engaged client contact) Watch Part 3: Verification of ROI Watch Part 4: Third Contact with Client, Checking of Data, Interim Date of Engagement
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