ITS combined test seen from DAQ and ECS F.Carena, J-C.Marin


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Presentation transcript:

ITS combined test seen from DAQ and ECS F.Carena, J-C.Marin

HW components (seen by DAQ) 3 detectors producing data 3 DDL links (Detector Data Link) 3 RORCs (ReadOut Receiver Card) (different versions: pRORC, D-RORC) 3 LDCs (Local Data Concentrator) 1 GDC (Global Data Collector) 1 Control Station Fast Ethernet network Local disks as storage area

HW components (seen by DAQ) SDD SPD SSD D L D L D L L D C L D C L D C Fast Ethernet Local disks G D C CONTROL

DAQ software DATE 5.0 Can be controlled by the ECS Allows multiple parallel Data Acquisition tasks The Run Control Human Interface and the Run Control are two interacting processes that may run on different PCs One single DATE_SITE describing the ITS setup (SDD, SPD, and SSD)

DAQ tasks Data Taking for individual detectors (standalone mode) Without event building Data recording on LDC local disks Data Taking for ITS (the 3 detectors or any combination of 2 detectors) With event building based on Event Identification (orbit counter + bunch crossing) given by the ‘CTP’ Data recording on GDC local disks

DAQ implementation 4 DAQ Run Control processes permanently on the Control Machine 1 for each Detector 1 for the global Data Acquisition With Human Interfaces on any DAQ machine The 4 processes compete to get resources (LDCs) The resolution of the access conflicts is left to the Experiment Control System The synchronization of the DAQ and the Trigger is left to the ECS

{about Trigger ……. from Pedja

Simplified block-diagram of the LTU

Test-beam system connections

An LTU process allows to set the ‘Mode’ of operation of an LTU (emulator or ‘CTP’) To enable/disable the BUSY2 connector A TPA (Trigger Partition Agent) process coordinates the setting (mode and BUSY2 enabling option) of the LTUs involved in a global run to emulate the CTP one LTU becomes master and plays the role of CTP

…. from Pedja} }

ITS seen from ECS From the ECS point of view the ITS is made of 8 objects associated to processes 4 Run Controls Controlling Data Acquisition for standalone detectors or the global one 3 LTUs Sending trigger signals to the detectors under the ‘CTP’ control or using the LTU emulator 1 TPA Synchronizing the LTUs (2 or 3) participating to global runs to simulate the CTP

ITS overall view

Include/Exclude Detectors from ITS partition

All together




SPD standalone

Major results Major step towards the final TRG/DAQ/ECS system DATE 5.0 successfully used New Run Control allowing multiple parallel Data Acquisition Tasks Same version of ‘readout’ for all the detectors Event building based on information taken from the Common Data Header Monitoring possible at LDC and GDC level MOOD has been intensively used by SSD ECS The major components ready and used extensively to run… All the possible combinations of 1/2/3 detectors Interfaces with DAQ and Trigger worked without problems

feedback The access control mechanism used by DAQ and ECS works and it is necessary, but it is not sufficiently solid to resist to process crashes. The access control mechanism makes some operation (e.g. redefinition of DAQ run parameters) somewhat difficult and not easy for an operator with limited expertise The ECS HI can be improved (number of windows, more information,…) An interactive tool to register operator comments must be provided