The ADA in the Workforce Applying the ADA to your future career Chris Dennis Intern – Student Disability Services 9/21/2018
Outline of Topics What the ADA is and its application in the workforce ADA Defined What is the ADA ADA Limitations Confidentiality Accommodations and Disclosure What accommodations are How to request accommodations Disclosing a need for an accommodation Seeking Employment Job searches Resume writing Interviewing Tips Questions
ADA Defined What is the ADA Prohibits discrimination for qualified individuals with disabilities who work for: Federal/State/Local government Private businesses with more than 15 employees Disability defined A person with physical or mental impairment that causes a substantial limitation of one or more major life activities Having a record of such an impairment “Regarded as” having an impairment What are major life activities?
ADA Defined (continued) ADA Limitations, i.e. what does the ADA not do Guarantees employment Prospective employees must be able to perform essential job functions Determining what is an essential job function Provides preference to an applicant under the ADA to an employee not under the ADA Prevents employees under the ADA from dismissal due to performance or workforce reduction
(Continued) ADA Defined Confidentiality Information about employees under the ADA and any accommodations must be kept confidential Supervisors can receive information on a limited basis Supervisors should keep their knowledge of accommodations confidential Employers cannot Disclose accommodation or disability related information to any interested parties, i.e. other employers Employees are able to disclose at their own discretion
Accommodations and Disclosure
Accommodations & Disclosure What Accommodations Are A reasonable adjustment or modification to: The manner or circumstances under which work is normally performed Enables an individual qualified under the ADA to perform essential job functions Allows an individual under the ADA to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment Does not cause an undue hardship to the employer Is cost prohibitive Examples of accommodations Providing technology to assist an employee with a vision impairment Provide a captioning option for an employee that is hard of hearing Alteration to break schedule to address a medical condition
Accommodations & Disclosure (continued) How to request accommodations Asking for accommodations Submit request in writing Use employer-created form, or locate an applicable format online Use the terms ADA and reasonable accommodation Consult with Supervisor and Human Resources Doctors and/or Specialists Check for additional information online Accommodations requested by others How those accommodations did or did not work for others
Accommodations & Disclosure (…continued) Disclosing a need for an accommodation Is disclosure required? Disclosure is not a requirement for employment Only necessary if requesting an accommodation When disclosure may be appropriate Applying with an employer that has an affirmative action program for people with disabilities Applying with an employer that has a positive record of working with people with disabilities When a qualified person with a reasonable accommodation can perform the essential job functions
Seeking Employment
Seeking Employment Job Searches Initial Tips on Job Searches Resources Seek opportunities that interest you, avoid those that do not Look for an opportunity that allows you to use your strongest skills Personal contacts and organizations can help If necessary, seek out internships and volunteer opportunities for work experience Resources Career One Stop at, provides information and links to disability friendly employer opportunities Job Accommodation Network at provides information on accommodations O*NET Online at provides details on occupations, their educational requirements, and typical needed skill sets
Seeking Employment (continued) Resume Writing Cover Letter Your opportunity to brag Emphasize your strengths Tailor to the employer Resume Keep format similar to a college paper Use short concise sentences Bullet points to draw attention to important details List education first Provide references Avoid personal pronouns
Seeking Employment (continued, 3 of 3) Interviewing Tips Dress up Be prepared Find out how your skills will integrate with the opportunity Know how you will be of a benefit to the employer Frame coping skills as an advantage Ex. Tell the prospective employer that your use of lists and planners show your attention to detail and organizational skill Requesting an accommodation Determine ahead of time if it is necessary If there is discomfort about disclosing a disability, rephrase the request without invoking the ADA
Texas Tech University