HOME/2014/JDRU/AG/DRUG/7086 (JUST/2014/JDRU/AG/DRUG) Introduction Identification and assessment of new psychoactive substances: a European network HOME/2014/JDRU/AG/DRUG/7086 (JUST/2014/JDRU/AG/DRUG) Introduction 21/09/2018
4 Partners + 3 Associate Partners Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri (IRFMN), Italy Universitat Jaume I de Castellon (UJI), Spain Facultade de Farmacia, Universitade de Lisboa (FFULIS), Portugal Istituto Nacional de Medicina Legal e Ciencias Forenses (INMLFC), Portugal Norsk Institutt for vannforskning (NIVA), Norway Staten Institutt for rusmiddelforskning (SIRUS), Norway Egas Monitz - Cooperativa de Ensino Superior (EMCES), Portugal 21/09/2018
HOME - EU Drugs Policy Initiatives – DRUG New psychoactive substances: to support the implementation of EU legislation on new psychoactive substances by improving the capacity to identify and assess new psychoactive substances, to respond effectively to the rapid spread of such substances across the EU, by reducing the availability of harmful substances, monitoring the extent and patterns of use of such substances, and by sharing best practices on prevention. Rehabilitation: to develop and share innovative approaches aimed at preventing relapse and models of good practice for reintegration and rehabilitation of (long-term) drug users, including those released from prison, inter alia by exploring alternatives to coercive sanctions. Best practices: to exchange best practices on cooperation between public authorities involved in drug related services, including at local or regional level, and civil society, to ensure that drug supply and demand reduction activities are joined up, with a view to enhancing the effectiveness of prevention, harm reduction and law enforcement activities to help prevent and reduce the number of drug-related offences. Civil society: to support the involvement of civil society in the implementation of the objectives of the EU Drug Strategy 2013-2020 and of the specific actions under the EU Drugs Action Plan 2013-2016, with a view to helping reduce the negative consequences of illicit drugs on individuals and society. 21/09/2018
HOME - EU Drugs Policy Initiatives – DRUG Contacts DG HOME E1: Programme Coordinator: Christina Naneva Christina.NANEVA@ec.europa.eu Project Managers: Petar Kovachev Petar.KOVACHEV@ec.europa.eu Mercedes Revuelta – Mercedes.REVUELTA- Zaldo ZALDO@ec.europa.eu 21/09/2018
Selected Projects: EU Drugs Policy Initiatives – DRUG ReWIND - Rehabilitation Way in New Directions (6629) Coordinator: Eughenia s.c.s. (Italy) Michele Bulzis and Jonida Sheremeti DG HOME: Mercedes Revuelta – Zaldo PRIDE – Profiling Relations in Drug Trafficking in Europe (7074) Coordinator: Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Italy) Fidelia Cascini New Psychoactive Substances – transnational project on different user groups, user characteristics, extent and patterns of use, market dynamics, and best practices in prevention (7077) Coordinator: University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands) Marije Wouters and Jeroen van Wolferen 21/09/2018
Coordinator: Maastricht University (the Netherlands) Predicting Risk of Emerging Drugs with In silico and Clinical Toxicology – PREDICT (7082) Coordinator: Maastricht University (the Netherlands) Jan Ramaekers and Corry van Gurp DG HOME: Petar Kovachev Identification and Assessment of New Psychoactive Substances: a European Network (7086) Coordinator: Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research (Italy) Ettore Zuccato and Riccardo Sclavi Triple R – Rehabilitation for Recovery and Reinsertion (7092) Coordinator: Comunità San Patrignano Società Cooperativa Sociale (Italy) Sara Carrena and Andrea Rivalta B.A.O.N.P.S. – Be Aware On Night Pleasure Safety (7107) Coordinator: Alice Onlus Social Cooperative (Italy) Lorenzo Camoletto and Elisa Fornero 21/09/2018